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Displaying 1—10 of 1000 matches for query "12._What_is_Cassini" retrieved in 0.008 sec with these stats:

  • "12" found 38852 times in 14387 documents
  • "what" found 14834 times in 2583 documents
  • "is" found 42921 times in 8383 documents
  • "cassini" found 521 times in 122 documents

Cassini is an international mission that was conceived in the 1980s, and begun in 1990, to launch ...
... risk is that there is a fluid shift from the lower half of the body to the upper half of the body—an astronaut appears to have a puffy, swollen face. What is really happening is that the body does not need as much blood in space as on the Earth because gravity is not pulling the blood down to our feet. Some of the blood water is what makes the face swell; however, most of the extra blood not needed is eliminated from the body. When a person comes back ...
We cannot know what is inside a black hole because once an object goes beyond the event horizon of the ...
... —28 years ago. Voyager 1 has now traveled over 8.6 billion miles and is the furthest man-made object from Earth. The longest manned space journey was carried out ... Moon. Apollo 15 was the longest manned space journey, with a total trip time of 12 days, 17 hours. The longest single trip time spent in space was by Dr. Valeri ... they have spent off the Earth on all their flights, Russian cosmonaut Commander Sergei Krikalev is the winner, with 803 days total so far ---- Answer provided by Hazel McAndrews Image:K2S ...
... arm out and wave it around, you are feeling the atmosphere. The Earth's atmosphere is composed mostly of nitrogen and oxygen molecules with other minor gases. We breathe the oxygen ... upward we travel from the surface. Ten miles up the pressure is one-ninth of the surface; 15 miles up it is one-twenty-seventh of the surface. Commercial jets fly about five miles up and the air is very thin. The edge of space is roughly 60 miles up and the air is so thin that commercial planes cannot fly and ...
... be symmetrical. If you describe black holes as a gravitational well in space where matter is continuously falling in, the opposite solution in time would be an area of space where ... actually allow matter to escape into space. This is a white hole. Now, if there is a rotating black hole in space, there is a chance for an object to fall into a ... within our Universe or perhaps be connected to different universes. Now that I have described what it is, I must emphasize that scientists currently do not believe white holes or worms holes ...
... about 17,000 miles per hour to orbit and to maintain a space orbit. There is a range of speeds at which the different satellites travel. Because of the laws of ...
... force the water out or to not use water at all. Food is just like the food on Earth and is eaten the same way. Even microwave cooking can be used. Drinking ...
With a spacesuit on, jumping is going to be a bit difficult, and very dangerous if you come down wrong. From ... about ten feet or about seven times as high. What's disorienting is that, because of the lower gravity, while less than a second is spent in the air here on Earth, a ...
... our own, are part of the 35 galaxies that form what we call the Local Group. The Local Group, in turn, is part of the Virgo Supercluster which contains around 100 similar ...

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