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Displaying 1—10 of 1000 matches for query "12._Will_there_be_more_than_one_spaceship" retrieved in 0.015 sec with these stats:

  • "12" found 38852 times in 14387 documents
  • "will" found 24730 times in 5032 documents
  • "there" found 19718 times in 3479 documents
  • "be" found 50529 times in 10727 documents
  • "more" found 15195 times in 6028 documents
  • "than" found 13605 times in 6119 documents
  • "one" found 20185 times in 6353 documents
  • "spaceship" found 571 times in 389 documents

In addition to the US spacecraft, there are those developed by Russia, Japan, Italy, China and other countries. ---- Answer provided by Jon ...
... asteroids will be improved by establishing detection facilities out in space. And our ability to react to such incoming objects—the capabilities to deflect, redirect or take other actions—will be more effective if they are established in outer space rather than here on Earth. There is much work to do in this area. And it is likely that there will be military installations ...
... for the communication devices where the headsets are plugged into the device. In the future, there will probably be much simpler devices to communicate with other people. ---- Answer provided by Lonnie Moffitt & Cdr ...
There were two earlier space stations, from Russia and the United States, which are no longer in space. China is said to be planning one. And private interests may acquire and install one for ...
There will be many new things to become accustomed to in spaceships, space stations and space hotels, but there will probably be fewer startling movements, unexpected smells, and sudden sounds than on Earth. ---- Answer provided by Lucy Jane ...
... to look more practical all the time. There are now several companies that are working hard to make such a trip much more affordable than it ... . The trip to the low Earth orbit will probably be much more expensive for a long time. Although there are many people trying to get the ... into orbit. It seems likely that for short duration flights of one or two weeks, the launch and launch preparation costs are ...
When we go to the Moon, there will probably be a stop-off at an Earth orbiting hotel first, before going on to the destination ...
... Virgin Galactic will start with one spaceship flying once a week. Providing all goes well, this will increase to a flight a day within a fairly short period, from different locations throughout ...
... orbit. Right now there are two people living in the ISS about 250 miles above the Earth. In a few years there will be more people living in the ISS. Then there will be a private space hotel and then several others. In 20 years there should be well over 100 people in Earth orbit and more on the ...
... might get one or two channels, but nothing like we get on Earth. And we will probably not be able to watch all our favorite TV shows, because there will not be enough TV channels being transmitted to us. The reception for the TV channels we will get, however, will be very good ...

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