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Displaying 1—10 of 1000 matches for query "13._Are_there_any_preventative_measures_we_can_take" retrieved in 0.014 sec with these stats:

  • "13" found 33923 times in 13443 documents
  • "are" found 19853 times in 5598 documents
  • "there" found 19718 times in 3479 documents
  • "ani" found 6242 times in 2570 documents
  • "prevent" found 931 times in 780 documents
  • "measur" found 5361 times in 2987 documents
  • "we" found 51112 times in 4364 documents
  • "can" found 11535 times in 3515 documents
  • "take" found 6263 times in 2782 documents

... is important to prevent Earth illnesses or trauma in space. For spaceflight problems, special prevention, therapy and/or rehabilitation programs are necessary. For example, to prevent motion sickness, a sea-sickness prevention pill could be taken before going into space. To prevent fainting on return to ...
Yes, at present several lunar orbiters are orbiting the Moon. ---- Answer provided by Derek Webber Image:K2S logosmall.jpg Question and Answer ...
... you are in space will be longer—anywhere from a day to a week—and will step you through what to expect on launch, in space and on landing. There are longer classes you can take if you want to further prepare. ---- Answer provided by Tim Bailey & Loretta Hidalgo ...
We can look up to see the stars to understand where we are. After a while, they become familiar, and you feel like you are looking at a very cool road atlas ---- Answer provided by ...
... are required to make the space elevator. The longest such fibers produced so far are about two centimeters long, but perhaps fibers long enough to reach beyond geo-synchronous orbit can ... are not within our current technical capabilities, but are not entirely ruled out by our current laws of physics. Who knows what some clever scientist may think of? There are ... missions that we cannot now even imagine. ...
... space flights. There is a family from France who is making a reservation and hopes to be the first family in space, and Sir Richard Branson intends to take his children and his mother and father on the first flight. We hope many other families will follow. There are sure to be some special deals available ...
Because living and working in space can involve many potential risks, astronauts train extensively before their missions so that they'll be prepared for almost any eventuality. In addition, the crew is ...
There are no life forms that have been found in any of the samples from the Moon studied so far, and there are unlikely to be any, that we understand as life, given the almost complete lack ...
The Spirit and Opportunity rovers on Mars discovered minerals on the surface that can only form in the presence of liquid water. This strongly suggests that Mars was once ... point in Mars' past. The Mars Global Surveyor has taken pictures of features suggesting that there may even be current sources of liquid water at or near the surface of the ...
... that are similar to, though not as intense as, traveling to work, school or other locations. However, there are more safety precautions and emergency plans for dealing with travel to space. In space, we ... outside of the vehicle, and have more debris floating in space. All of these hazards are known, greatly minimized, and no longer pose much of a hazard. ---- Answer provided by Futron ...

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