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Displaying 1—10 of 1000 matches for query "13._Can_robots_work_together_like_humans_do" retrieved in 0.011 sec with these stats:
- "13" found 33923 times in 13443 documents
- "can" found 11535 times in 3515 documents
- "robot" found 2508 times in 1073 documents
- "work" found 18362 times in 5290 documents
- "togeth" found 2641 times in 1093 documents
- "like" found 10632 times in 2766 documents
- "human" found 6370 times in 2662 documents
- "do" found 16375 times in 2434 documents
Working together is something that humans do very well. Getting your friend to help you lift a big rock is quite simple, but for robots it is almost impossible. There is a great deal of work ... play games. Robot soccer games are one of the most popular ways to test how well robots work together. It isn't a very exciting game yet, but someday they may replace human players.
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Yes, in fact most do. Many robots have very long names that we shorten into acronyms. For instance, the next Canadian robot to be sent to the ISS is called Special Purpose Dextrous ... , and so was called SPDM. Even that name was not very nice so now the robot's new nickname is Dextre.
Answer provided by CAF Capt. Marc Fricker
Image:K2S logosmall ... /For%20Kids/KidstoSpace.html Click here
Category:Kids To Space
Category:Kids To Space - ROBOTS
... missions use robots, but more and more frequently, plans involve humans working together with robots, just as they do on the ISS. Different robots require different amounts of training. If the person who designed the robot is also the person who is going to control it, like ...
... the robots on the ISS are repairable. CanadArm 2 has already been repaired once. Shortly after installing the 60-foot arm, one of the joints stopped working. Astronauts had to do a spacewalk, in their spacesuits, to repair the damaged robot. Fortunately, CanadArm 2 has been working great ever since.
Answer provided by ...
... like car batteries, robot batteries can be charged and recharged, but at some point the batteries cannot keep their charge. Because there is no one to change the batteries, the robot stops working. Or, the robot stops working due ...
... and Star Trek, if you want an idea of what some people think aliens look like.
Answer provided by Robby Gaines
Image:K2S logosmall.jpg Question and Answer extracted from the ...
... worry about bumping our heads on a heavy box that is suspended in midair. We can use the cane to sweep the area in front of us at ground level, and ... , there is a lot of work going on to develop technologies which can enhance and possibly replace the long white cane. This has proven to be hard to do – on Earth no ...
... cannot see the Great Wall of China from space with the unaided eye but we can if we know exactly where to look with an optical aid—a camera and ... realized that the lights from many great cities can be seen from space. So the lights from a large city like New York City can be seen. Some astronauts have reported that even ...
It is a lot of fun to float in space, and yes, you would float like the astronauts in the movies, but better since you are actually in space
Answer provided ...
... or postcards back to Earth using e-mail or fax. Right now, the ISS astronauts can send letters and packages to and from space on board our re-supply spacecraft.
Answer ...
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