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Displaying 1—10 of 1000 matches for query "13._Does_Earth_have_lava_in_its_center" retrieved in 0.021 sec with these stats:
- "13" found 33923 times in 13443 documents
- "doe" found 1502 times in 887 documents
- "earth" found 21084 times in 7977 documents
- "have" found 26470 times in 6393 documents
- "lava" found 154 times in 88 documents
- "in" found 179430 times in 17737 documents
- "it" found 81427 times in 11675 documents
- "center" found 33241 times in 9345 documents
Earth does not have lava in its center. When there are volcanic eruptions, the lava comes from hot spots just below the surface. This heat is the remains of the energy that came when the Earth was formed at the outset by the crashing together, because of gravity, of its early materials. At the center of the Earth, scientists think there is a ...
... because it has mass. Space is a void and therefore has no mass, so it cannot have gravity. As long has Earth has mass, it will continue to have gravity. If Earth were to lose its mass, it would cease to exist, so there's really no way that Earth can ever lose its ...
Mercury has no moons.
Answer provided by Laura Peckyno & Robert Peckyno
Image:K2S logosmall.jpg Question and Answer extracted from the book Kids to Space - by Lonnie Schorer
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Category:Kids To Space
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Yes, everyone has a specific job, and they do have special pre-flight training. Some jobs are so highly specialized that only one crewmember is ... top of the line. Although they range in sophistication, simulators provide an excellent reproduction of the performance of spacecraft. Virtual reality simulations have been in use for over a decade and the Hubble ...
... moon, named Neith, which appeared in occasional sightings and reports by astronomers from 1672 until 1892. These sightings have since been discredited and we now know Venus does not have a moon.
Answer provided ...
- 01. Will we have electricity in space? Where does it come from? How is it supplied? (A K2S Question)
Yes, we will have electricity in space. It is generated by fuel cells, solar panels, or nuclear power. There are also some batteries ...
- 21. Do any planets have gravity? Would planets larger than Earth have more gravity? (A K2S Question)
All planets have gravity. The planets larger than Earth have more gravity.
Answer provided by Ed Frederick, Ph.D.
Image:K2S logosmall.jpg Question and ...
... Scientists believe in the cosmological principle which states that the matter in our Universe is uniformly distributed throughout space-time with no center or edges. Our Universe was actually formed in an instant ... today. It also allowed us to accurately gauge that the size of our observable Universe is 13.7 billion light years. It is an amazing feat of human ingenuity—human beings have ...
... to reach a low Earth orbit. How long an orbit takes depends on how high above the Earth the orbit is. For low Earth orbit (about 200 miles above the Earth) it takes about 90 ... that means it takes them a longer time to orbit around the Earth. There is one special orbit where it takes a full day to orbit around the Earth. So a satellite in this orbit travels around the planet at the same rate that the planet is spinning To return to Earth, it ...
Space does not move—any movements that human beings or spacecraft make in space must be judged relative to some other object like the Earth or the Shuttle. For example, the Space Shuttle travels in an orbit that requires it to have a speed of 17,500 miles per hour (mph). If an astronaut steps out of the Shuttle to perform some activities in space, he ...
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