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Displaying 1—10 of 1000 matches for query "13._How_do_we_set_our_watches" retrieved in 0.011 sec with these stats:

  • "13" found 33923 times in 13443 documents
  • "how" found 9066 times in 2689 documents
  • "do" found 16375 times in 2434 documents
  • "we" found 51112 times in 4364 documents
  • "set" found 3741 times in 2275 documents
  • "our" found 13536 times in 3452 documents
  • "watch" found 1134 times in 598 documents

... William Readdy) You set your watch to mission elapsed time or MET for orbital missions. MET starts at lift off. That ...
This technique has varied with space missions. However, all methods of hand washing require a water source and something like soap or disinfectant tissue wipes for quick clean-ups. Washcloths and towels may also be provided. Full body cleaning requires washcloths, soap or other cleaning products, and towels. Head cleaning may be done the same way, although the Shuttle era has contributed dry ...
... landing a simple calculation is completed. There are some known facts: how fast we are going, how high we are, and where we want to land. This is an energy-versus-range calculation which determines ...
... Earth" because it provided everything we needed, just as our human mothers did. When the first astronauts circled the Moon at Christmas in 1968 and saw for themselves how desolate it was, they ... about two million years ago that humans started to appear. We certainly took our time getting started Only in the last century did we leave the Earth for the first time. ---- Answer provided ...
... am I? How am I oriented? Where is everything else? These data will be transmitted to ground control through communication satellites. We can use this information, verify it with our own readings from the ground, and use it to plot our course so we know how and when to reach the ...
We do not wash clothes in space. The Shuttle will bring all crewmembers' used clothing back home ...
... too close to the Sun all of the water on Earth would boil and evaporate. We and all other life on Earth exist because the Earth is at just the right ... reactions. But now we have to explain how stars exist You can see that the question gets bigger and bigger. All I've really described is how we exist, not why we exist. There is no scientific way to answer the question why we exist. In fact even philosophy and religion, both ...
Humans are the same here and in space, and we need the same things to survive: food, air, water, and protection from the weather. The ...
... habitats and eventually cities in space and on the Moon and Mars. We understand the space environment well so we know how to design for living there safely. People from many specialties such ...
... the resources will be recycled and reused many times. We will grow our own food in space farms and make air from materials we process on the Moon and Mars. ---- Answer provided by ...

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