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Displaying 1—10 of 1000 matches for query "13._How_does_a_biosphere_work" retrieved in 0.013 sec with these stats:
- "13" found 33923 times in 13443 documents
- "how" found 9066 times in 2689 documents
- "doe" found 1502 times in 887 documents
- "a" found 169943 times in 18151 documents
- "biospher" found 73 times in 49 documents
- "work" found 18362 times in 5290 documents
A biosphere works just like our planet does, just on a micro-scale. The biosphere starts with a source of physical and/or chemical energy, such as sunlight, artificial light or, in some ... that are utilized by the primary producers (back to the green plants ). Every ecosystem has a different and unique set of organisms, including any habitat that we might develop for space ...
It feels great to float. Yes, you float the entire time you are in orbit, even in your sleeping bunk. It never is annoying except when you want to find some piece of equipment that you thought you had placed next to you, only to find out that it has floated away.
Answer provided by Byron Lichtenberg, Ph.D.
Image:K2S logosmall.jpg Question and Answer extracted from the book Kids ...
... just order a working spacesuit. If you're one of the lucky few who can afford the $20 million to buy a ticket on the Soyuz spacecraft, that price already includes a spacesuit that you would use inside the cabin in an emergency. No one has been able to purchase a fully working spacesuit that would be used on a spacewalk, or extra vehicular activity (EVA), as NASA calls it.
Answer ...
... Number One, air is drawn into a funnel like receptacle that is placed on the body—it works for both men and women. It works great and there are sanitary covers placed ...
... have drawers on the ceiling and they would be just as easy to reach as a cabinet on the floor because you could simply float to whatever you need. Each person's body is a little different in terms of the time it takes to adjust to weightlessness. I would ...
In Mission Control in Houston, there is a console position manned by the flight activities officer (FAO). The FAO, together with staff support ... and Apollo-Soyuz—and the early Shuttle), we got a printed list for each crewmember, listing his or her work schedule for the day. Also included in this scheduled list were ...
... the same amount of time that it revolves 360° around the Earth (a sidereal month). This is how it keeps the same side to the Earth all the time, and is ... that a sidereal month is 27.321661 days and it goes through 360°, we find that it spins 13.1764° per day around its axis. This is also how far it travels across the sky during a day.
Answer provided by Thomas Matula ...
This process works fairly well even without gravity.
Answer provided by Charles Camarda, Ph.D. & Nicholas Patrick, Ph. ...
Space does not move—any movements that human beings or spacecraft make in space must be ... Shuttle. For example, the Space Shuttle travels in an orbit that requires it to have a speed of 17,500 miles per hour (mph). If an astronaut steps out of the ...
From orbit, the Milky Way would look very similar to the way it does here on Earth. It would be brighter and you would have an easier time seeing ...
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