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Displaying 1—10 of 1000 matches for query "14._What_is_it_like_in_space" retrieved in 0.023 sec with these stats:
- "14" found 34199 times in 13430 documents
- "what" found 14834 times in 2583 documents
- "is" found 42921 times in 8383 documents
- "it" found 81427 times in 11675 documents
- "like" found 10632 times in 2766 documents
- "in" found 179430 times in 17737 documents
- "space" found 100917 times in 18940 documents
... astronauts have called being in space one of the biggest thrills they have ever experienced. Imagine being in a free fall environment while in orbit and being able to launch yourself in any direction with a gentle shove as you float freely in the cabin of the Space Shuttle or the larger International Space Station (ISS ...
... Dennis Tito
Image:K2S logosmall.jpg Question and Answer extracted from the book Kids to Space - by Lonnie Schorer
Image:9781894959421.jpg '''Buy This Book''' Click here
Category:Kids To Space
Category:Kids To Space - EXPECTATIONS
... charge), anti-matter is made up of anti-protons (-) and anti-electrons (+), also called positrons. Anti-matter exists in space near places that are very hot or very high in energy like exploding stars or ... -matter is that when it touches matter they both disappear, leaving only energy behind. So if you have anti-matter and matter and mix them together, you can generate power. This process is ...
Being in space means being with a very small group of people in a very small space station or ship—about the size of a two-bedroom home. Exploratory teams to ... that it will be easy to get tired of them and to want to see others. The teams will need to be very good at getting along with people in these conditions in order to stay friends and work well together.
Answer provided by Sheryl L. Bishop, Ph.D.
Image:K2S logosmall.jpg Question and Answer extracted from the book Kids to Space ...
... a spacecraft is precisely aimed at an object, there is very little chance of encountering any rocky space debris—such as an asteroid—just by flying in a random direction in space.
Answer provided by Jim Zebrowski
Image:K2S logosmall.jpg Question and Answer extracted from the book Kids to Space - by Lonnie Schorer
In space there is a wind called the solar wind. It originates on the Sun and blows past the Earth at thousands to millions of miles ... , Ph.D.
Image:K2S logosmall.jpg Question and Answer extracted from the book Kids to Space - by Lonnie Schorer
Image:9781894959421.jpg '''Buy This Book''' http://www.apogeebooks ...
... pressure is one-ninth of the surface; 15 miles up it is one-twenty-seventh of the surface. Commercial jets fly about five miles up and the air is very thin. The edge of space is roughly 60 miles up and the air is so ... , Ph.D.
Image:K2S logosmall.jpg Question and Answer extracted from the book Kids to Space - by Lonnie Schorer
Image:9781894959421.jpg '''Buy This Book''' http://www.apogeebooks ...
... ten feet or about seven times as high. What's disorienting is that, because of the lower gravity, while less than a second is spent in the air here on Earth, a full three ... J. Murphy
Image:K2S logosmall.jpg Question and Answer extracted from the book Kids to Space - by Lonnie Schorer
Image:9781894959421.jpg '''Buy This Book''' http://www.apogeebooks ...
... strike, you would watch it in total silence, though you'd feel the energy transmitted through the ground through your boots. It's harder to judge distance. The Moon is a much smaller sphere ... J. Murphy
Image:K2S logosmall.jpg Question and Answer extracted from the book Kids to Space - by Lonnie Schorer
Image:9781894959421.jpg '''Buy This Book''' http://www. ...
... I felt at seeing our beautiful Earth, the fragile atmosphere at its horizon, and the vast blackness of space against which it was set.
Answer provided by Dennis Tito
Image:K2S logosmall.jpg Question and Answer extracted from the book Kids to Space - by Lonnie Schorer
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