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Displaying 1—10 of 1000 matches for query "14._Would_the_weather_in_space_affect_our_communications" retrieved in 0.040 sec with these stats:
- "14" found 34199 times in 13430 documents
- "would" found 42637 times in 9226 documents
- "the" found 506442 times in 20589 documents
- "weather" found 2872 times in 1659 documents
- "in" found 179430 times in 17737 documents
- "space" found 100917 times in 18940 documents
- "affect" found 1167 times in 921 documents
- "our" found 13536 times in 3452 documents
- "commun" found 9080 times in 4297 documents
Weather could be a factor in communications with crewmembers in space. However, NASA has a number of satellites in orbit that can send signals to each other and relay the signal around the Earth in such a way that ... are in constant communication with the spacecraft without regard to the weather.
Answer provided by Lonnie Moffitt & Cdr. USN Robert L. Curbeam
Image:K2S logosmall.jpg Question and Answer extracted from the book Kids to Space - by ...
... say that the wonderful experience of flying in space changes their lives, and how they view the world, for the better. From a health perspective, we do not yet know if a trip to space will ... . USAF Dr. Richard S. Williams
Image:K2S logosmall.jpg Question and Answer extracted from the book Kids to Space - by Lonnie Schorer
Image:9781894959421.jpg '''Buy This Book''' http ...
Since space around Earth is very large it is unlikely that humans living in space would have much effect on the environment of Earth.
Answer provided by Robby Gaines
Image:K2S logosmall.jpg Question and Answer extracted from the book Kids to Space - by Lonnie Schorer ...
... our ideal space oasis, and we now move on to consider the physical and technical aspects of the fully realized oasis in space.
'''Practice '''
Oases in space are space stations, stepping-stone support communities from one space ...
Weather in space involves currents of high energy electrons and protons. The Earth's atmosphere quickly blocks the flow of charged particles.
Answer provided by Robert P. McCoy, Ph.D.
Image:K2S logosmall.jpg Question and Answer extracted from the book Kids to Space - by ...
Photosynthesis works the same in space. While specific research has not been conducted on the photosynthetic pathway while plants are in space, plants seemingly go through all the proper steps in plant development at the proper developmental time. Therefore, we hypothesize that since the rate of development is unchanged, the photosynthetic ...
... it would be to look at Earth from space and study the geography of our home planet. You could see clouds, or the eye of a hurricane, lightning strikes at night, and how weather affects our planet. The meteorologists would be very interested in your fact ...
... similar, on Earth and in space. However NASA is doing research to see if there are any important differences that might affect the health and health care of women and men in space. For instance, men and women seem to be affected differently by bone loss as they age ...
... would want to have a holiday in space that takes 30 years However, this is all in the future when scientists have developed a way to stop the human body from degrading in the weightless environment. This is the main limitation to safe, long-duration human spaceflight—if we aren't using our muscles against ...
... or private space station , This would, of course depend on how far away from Earth, or in what orbit, the hotel or space station was. Most private space companies would probably place a hotel or space station in a relatively low orbit so visitors and supplies would not have to travel ...
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