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Displaying 1—10 of 1000 matches for query "15._How_many_kinds_of_customs_are_there" retrieved in 0.019 sec with these stats:

  • "15" found 36664 times in 13784 documents
  • "how" found 9066 times in 2689 documents
  • "mani" found 5437 times in 2627 documents
  • "kind" found 4306 times in 863 documents
  • "of" found 295477 times in 20552 documents
  • "custom" found 426 times in 312 documents
  • "are" found 19853 times in 5598 documents
  • "there" found 19718 times in 3479 documents

Human customs probably number in the zillions. And space will produce even more new and interesting variations. Customs are set by the ways different people and groups prefer to do things. And there is no rule for what can and can't be a custom. ---- Answer provided by ...
... down from orbit, you get to see 16 sunrises and 16 sunsets—and they are all particularly beautiful in space ---- Answer provided by Derek Webber & Capt. USN (Ret.) William Readdy ...
We use thousands of different technologies in space. Many technologies used on Earth are used in space including computers, plastics, machines, high-performance fabrics and materials, chemical processes, and ... technologies. The newest technology now being used in space is probably nanotechnology, in the form of fantastic micromachines. ---- Answer provided by Bradley C. Edwards, Ph.D. Image:K2S logosmall.jpg Question ...
The orbiter has about 1700 switches. All the systems are controlled electrically, mainly through computers but sometimes manually directly from the switches. ---- Answer provided by ...
... , meaning each one can be used for several things. They are something like an auto mechanic's tools, with a number of sophisticated space-age improvements. One simple thing always taken along ...
It would depend on where and how far you will be traveling in space. If you wanted a chance to reach space, ... to Mars, it would take up to eight months to arrive there. Right now NASA is working on new ways of building a rocket that would get you to Mars much faster. Once on Mars you would want to live there for at least a year and do all kinds of activities ...
... spacecraft, as well as the mission to be performed, but the amount of propellant is likely to be many thousands of gallons. After launch into space, it is likely that electric propulsion will ...
There are many materials that go into making a robot—aluminum and titanium—and sometimes there are composite materials, like those found in airplane construction. The types of materials used to build robots depend a lot on the temperatures of space or distant planets ...
Almost certainly there will be a limited amount of weight and space that will be allocated to each passenger. Probably the carrier will take care of the essentials necessary for survival, such as ... for leisure. That means video games, books, DVDs, and music CDs and perhaps a couple of religious icons or something spiritually symbolic. While it is still a novelty, you will want ...
There are over thirty different satellite launch vehicles working around the world. In the US, the Atlas ...

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