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Displaying 1—10 of 1000 matches for query "15._Where_would_we_be_on_Mars" retrieved in 0.018 sec with these stats:

  • "15" found 36664 times in 13784 documents
  • "where" found 6783 times in 2658 documents
  • "would" found 42637 times in 9226 documents
  • "we" found 51112 times in 4364 documents
  • "be" found 50529 times in 10727 documents
  • "on" found 78459 times in 14291 documents
  • "mar" found 48386 times in 4487 documents

We already have robotic rovers scouting out the territory to figure out the best place to go. It might be good to go to one of the Martian moons first, to check it out before landing on Mars itself. ---- Answer provided by Derek Webber Image ...
Mars is probably the planet that will receive the first visitors from Earth, and it may be the only one for a very long time. It would take a couple of years to go there and return, so it would be a really long vacation Big outer planets like Saturn and Jupiter are balls of gas, so it would not be a good idea to try to land on them, and ...
If we were on a planet that had a day that was longer or shorter than 24 hours, the body clock will probably have to adapt. Fortunately, Mars has a daytime about the same length as here on Earth. When the astronauts of Apollo 17 stayed three days on the Moon in 1972, they had ... time they wanted to sleep, because it stayed bright outside all the time; a day on the Moon lasts for a full two weeks ---- Answer provided by Derek Webber & Capt. USN ...
... . Since Mars was once volcanically active, underground lava tubes might provide a safe habitat. Beyond the dangers of the Martian environment, daily life on Mars would not be much different from life on Earth. Astronauts would need ... /For%20Kids/KidstoSpace.html Click here Category:Kids To Space Category:Kids To Space - MARS
... space. To live in space we need an environment similar to what we have on Earth. It cannot be too hot or too cold. We also need a breathable atmosphere. We need protection from the dangerous radiation, too. Spacesuits and spacecraft are designed to provide a protective environment in which we ...
... surface exists on Neptune (at least one on which you could land a spacecraft), evidence suggests that the atmosphere surrounding the planet consists of toxic gases mixed with water. Humans would not be able ...
Yes, we will build resorts, towns and then cities on the Moon and Mars. ---- Answer provided by John Spencer Image:K2S logosmall.jpg Question and Answer extracted from the ...
We are already living in Earth orbit. Right now there are two people living in the ISS about 250 miles above the Earth. In a few years there will be more people ... space hotel and then several others. In 20 years there should be well over 100 people in Earth orbit and more on the Moon. The Moon will have the first space town ... and water and fuel and to be able to grow food. The first space community will be a combination of people living in Earth orbit and on the Moon and going between both ...
We could go about ten times as far away as the Moon, but when we got there, there would be no place to stay. The next stopping place would be Mars, which takes six months for the ...
We would be able to walk on Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, and Pluto, but it would be very hard to walk on Mercury and Venus because they are too hot. ---- Answer provided by Ed Frederick, Ph.D. ...

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