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Displaying 1—10 of 1000 matches for query "16._Could_there_be_other_earths_in_other_galaxies" retrieved in 0.023 sec with these stats:
- "16" found 34109 times in 13481 documents
- "could" found 13857 times in 4938 documents
- "there" found 19718 times in 3479 documents
- "be" found 50529 times in 10727 documents
- "other" found 16119 times in 7546 documents
- "earth" found 21084 times in 7977 documents
- "in" found 179430 times in 17737 documents
- "galaxi" found 2322 times in 814 documents
... from the Hubble Space Telescope. There are so many stars and so many planets out there. There will never be a planet exactly like Earth in every respect, but there will be an amazing variety of cosmic wonders ... /For%20Kids/KidstoSpace.html Click here
Category:Kids To Space
Category:Kids To Space - EARTH
... to find many different types of life. Scientists believe that life could exist in various forms. These new life forms will likely be different from anything we have ever seen before.
Answer provided ...
If you could gain enough speed on the Moon's rough surface to jump off a ramp, you ... rubber tires, so you wouldn't bounce when you hit the surface. Drag racing in space would be quite a challenge because it would require a whole new kind of space vehicle ...
There will definitely be spacewalking available to anyone so interested. Bungee jumping may not occur since it works because of gravity here on Earth. But there is likely to be something equivalent in outer space, based ...
TV may be transmitted to us in space, but we may be so far away that it will take a long time for the TV signal to ... , but nothing like we get on Earth. And we will probably not be able to watch all our favorite TV shows, because there will not be enough TV channels being transmitted to us. The reception for the TV channels we will get, however, will be very ...
It will be a very long time before humans will go to other galaxies but we do know how to live in space for more than a year at a time now, and we will learn how to live away from Earth for whole lifetimes. People will be born off-world. Someday there may be more people living off the Earth than on it.
Answer provided by John ...
There are billions and billions of planets in our galaxy, and there are billions and billions of galaxies in the Universe. Therefore, there must be billions and billions of planets like the Earth in the Universe.
Answer provided by Ed ...
... physical environment of the Moon, or other places where there might be space communities, could be explored by touch. Technologies such as talking light and color sensors might be built into an equipment pack so you ... technologies available today to take a picture of a distant object and print it out in a tactile form. You may also carry a pocket reading machine, a future version of ...
... shell, allow for more chances of leakage, and let in harmful radiation. Today we certainly understand the importance of windows in a spacecraft, especially in one built for tourists. But practically speaking, ... small. Right now we are building four windows on each module for viewing Earth, the Moon or the galaxy from the space hotel.
Answer provided by Robert T. Bigelow
Image:K2S ...
There could be a blackout in space, because anytime we need electricity it is possible to lose that electricity. But, since we are going to be in space, far away from any repair person, we will ... going to go to space on a regular basis, we need to come up with other ideas.
Answer provided by John Cavallaro
Image:K2S logosmall.jpg Question and Answer extracted from ...
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