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Displaying 1—10 of 1000 matches for query "16._If_we_get_hit,_will_it_kill_us" retrieved in 0.016 sec with these stats:

  • "16" found 34109 times in 13481 documents
  • "if" found 10820 times in 3231 documents
  • "we" found 51112 times in 4364 documents
  • "get" found 9897 times in 1611 documents
  • "hit" found 702 times in 415 documents
  • "will" found 24730 times in 5032 documents
  • "it" found 81427 times in 11675 documents
  • "kill" found 525 times in 409 documents
  • "us" found 8831 times in 2839 documents

Whether an asteroid hit would kill us or not depends upon how large it might be and where we might be when it hits. A very large asteroid (a few miles across) would cause damage over the ...
It would be best to play soccer inside since a spacesuit wouldn't give you much ... soccer player wouldn't even need a bigger field to play on. ---- Answer provided by US Space and Rocket Center Image:K2S logosmall.jpg Question and Answer extracted from the book ...
... like in the United States in space or on the Moon or Mars. However you will be able to live off-world and work there. ---- Answer provided by John Spencer Image ...
... our Sun ends its life all depends on the amount of mass or stuff it starts out with. A star like our Sun has too little mass and will never end its life with ... for supernova blasts because of their extreme mass and size. If Betelgeuse were dropped in the position where our Sun is, it would extend all the way out beyond the orbits of ... closest star over 4.28 light years away, you can easily see that the Sun will have very little influence over the life of the other 400 billion stars found in ...
... us in space, but we may be so far away that it will take a long time for the TV signal to get to us. We might get one or two channels, but nothing like we get on Earth. And we will probably not be able to watch all our favorite TV shows, because there will not be enough TV channels being transmitted to us. The reception for the TV channels we will get ...
... rays entering the Earth's atmosphere and harming us. Ultraviolet rays are the rays that cause our skin to tan and even burn if we go too long on a warm summer day ... could damage our fragile ecosystem on the planet. The more knowledge we have, the more we will be able to understand what we must do to ensure the survival of all species on our ...
... entirely on your destination To just get into space takes a matter of minutes. To travel ... , long-duration human spaceflight—if we aren't using our muscles against gravity like we do here on Earth everyday, ... we would be exposed to on journeys to other planets that we are protected from here on Earth. So until scientists find a way to protect us from these effects, holidays in space will ...
... . If we travel very far from the Earth but do it slowly, we will age the same as we would on Earth. If we move very fast (near the speed of light, 186,000 miles per second) then we will age more slowly than the people we left on Earth even if we never get far ...
When we get to using nuclear rockets in space, we'll be able to get to the Moon in a few hours, or Mars in a few weeks. This will be done by constantly speeding up until we are halfway there ... of technology we can make the nuclear rocket accelerate such that the floor will be pushing against you as if you were in the equivalent of the Earth's gravity at its surface, or ...
Actually, we already live in space since we live on a planet, and the chances of getting hit by anything while in space are no worse than the chances that we'll get hit by anything here ...

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