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Displaying 1—10 of 1000 matches for query "16._Will_we_ever_be_out_of_touch" retrieved in 0.022 sec with these stats:

  • "16" found 34109 times in 13481 documents
  • "will" found 24730 times in 5032 documents
  • "we" found 51112 times in 4364 documents
  • "ever" found 2664 times in 1389 documents
  • "be" found 50529 times in 10727 documents
  • "out" found 14154 times in 3695 documents
  • "of" found 295474 times in 20552 documents
  • "touch" found 451 times in 336 documents

There are short periods of time when the ISS and the Space Shuttle are out of contact with the ground controllers on Earth. This is due to some areas where the ... data relay satellites (TDRS) are handing over from one to another. During this short period of time— usually just a few minutes—the controllers in Mission Control are not ...
Well, you will have to wear a spacesuit if you go outside. And during excursions outside the spacecraft care must be taken to keep a crewman from floating away. NASA uses two ... with backpacks that have small cold gas jets for moving around. But floating away could be a real possibility if you aren't careful. ---- Answer provided by Jon H. Brown Image ...
... probably the planet that will receive the first visitors from Earth, and it may be the only one for a very long time. It would take a couple of years to go there and return, so it would be a really long vacation Big outer planets like Saturn and Jupiter are balls of gas, so it would not be a good idea to try to land on them, and Mercury and Venus ...
Ideas are being developed now so that we will be able to live for long periods in space. Part of the reason for having the ISS is for the development of processes and hardware for long ...
Early astronauts experienced g-forces of up to six g's or more. Space Shuttle astronauts experience around three g's ... to acceleration. As little as four g's can cause a person to black out without the aid of a g-suit. With a g-suit the human body can handle seven g's sustained. Blacking out from g-forces can cause brain damage or even death if ...
... two ways a very long trip could be made seemingly shorter— either by shortening the journey time by traveling very fast, beyond the realm of current technology, through warp drives or ... wants to remain in contact with the ship, it would have to be manned continually for what could be hundreds of years Whether it's possible I cannot say. But I have a lot of faith in the ability of humans to overcome such hurdles, and I'm sure we will be able ...
... traveling months and months in space, landing on Mars, stepping out of your spaceship and finding that you are too weak to ... with solar and/or nuclear power. Many of these technologies are being used today, but we'll have to make big improvements in ... in space for entire lifetimes, we will need to build spacecraft with adequate radiation shielding. So far, we don't have this technology. ---- ...
... further out into space, we are likely to find many different types of life. Scientists believe that life could exist in various forms. These new life forms will likely be different from anything we have ever seen ...
... cars, but someday, as propulsion technology advances, it will be possible to build small personal spacecraft. But we have a long way to go before we know how to do this. ---- Answer provided by ...
Maybe someday astronauts will visit Pluto, but at the moment we haven't even figured out how to send astronauts to Mars, which is 30 times closer, so it won't ...

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