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From The Space Library
Displaying 1—1 of 1 match for query "" retrieved in 0.000 sec with these stats:
- "18" found 33393 times in 13330 documents
- "218" found 151 times in 140 documents
- "185" found 214 times in 204 documents
- "99" found 553 times in 434 documents
Above numbers may include documents not listed due to search options.
... 18
Kromer, Hermann, stud. math., , Leonberg, Lindenbergstr. 27
Kübler, Manfred, stud. math., Backnang, Stuttgarter Str. 89
Küehn, Werner, Ing., Heidelberg, Bergstr. 29
218 ...
Matuschek, E., Ing., Gronau i. w., Vereinsstr. 185
Matyssek, Willi, Hamburg-Eidelstedt, Elbgaustr. 26
... Yvette, S. et. O. Frankreich (Ehrenmitglied)
Sauer, Joachim, cand, ing., Stuttgart- ...
Additional database time was 0.007 sec.
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