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From The Space Library
Displaying 1—10 of 81 matches for query "1919" retrieved in 0.000 sec with these stats:
- "1919" found 472 times in 82 documents
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... passengers.
January 1919 January
Jan 1 1919 1 Jan 2 1919 2 Jan 3 1919 3 Jan 4 1919 4 Jan 5 1919 5 Jan 6 1919 6 Jan 7 1919 7 Jan 8 1919 8 Jan 9 1919 9 ... 23 1919 23 Aug 24 1919 24 Aug 25 1919 25 Aug 26 1919 26 Aug 27 1919 27 Aug 28 1919 28 Aug 29 1919 29 Aug 30 1919 30 Aug 31 1919 31
September 1919 September
Sep 1 1919 ...
Article in Electrical Experimenter magazine about low gravity on Eros.
Image:EE 1919-09.jpg 300px
First civil airline with passenger service, Germany's Deutsche Luftreederei which operated between Berlin, Leipzig, and Weimar.
Navy Bureau of Ordnance (BuOrd) continued wartime experimental work begun by Sperry Gyroscope in 1917 on the unmanned "Flying Bomb."
The National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics NACA recommendations on regulating air commerce, the licensing of pilots, the inspection of aircraft, and the use of landing fields were transmitted to Congress through the Secretary of the Treasury.
First flights of Thomas-Morse MB-3, first U.S.-designed fighter procured in quantity, which reached speed of 164 mph in early flights exceeding that of contemporary European aircraft.
The Aircraft Board was abolished by Presidential Executive Order.
First recorded flight test of gyrocompass, a Sperry instrument, by the Navy, which was unsuccessful.
World duration unofficial record attained by Navy F5L flying boat of 20 hours 19 minutes, with Lt. H. B. Grow as pilot.
Additional database time was 0.032 sec.
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