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Displaying 1—10 of 1000 matches for query "20._Will_our_weight_be_different_in_space" retrieved in 0.022 sec with these stats:

  • "20" found 34824 times in 13630 documents
  • "will" found 24730 times in 5032 documents
  • "our" found 13536 times in 3452 documents
  • "weight" found 1489 times in 940 documents
  • "be" found 50529 times in 10727 documents
  • "differ" found 4944 times in 1855 documents
  • "in" found 179430 times in 17737 documents
  • "space" found 100917 times in 18940 documents

... weight—everything not bolted to the spacecraft floats In space we measure mass, which is the quantity of material making up a person. Immediately when entering into the micro-gravity of space ... we are in bed all night; if one weighs oneself just before bed, and after urinating, and then again in the morning, after urinating, there will be a weight loss. Thereafter how much difference in mass ...
... onto our computers, and we can talk to teachers on Earth via a radio link, and even hook up a small TV camera to see each other. If we work in space or on the Moon, then that is where we would be going to work. But to travel back and forth to Earth to go to work would be very difficult because it takes too long to travel. When we go to space, we will ...
... stores of medicine in the spacecraft. ---- Answer provided by Col. USAF Dr. Richard S. Williams Image:K2S logosmall.jpg Question and Answer extracted from the book Kids to Space - by Lonnie Schorer Image:9781894959421.jpg '''Buy This Book''' Click here Category:Kids To Space Category:Kids To Space ...
Will they be nice? Will they be comfortable? Will we have our own room with a desk, a viewing cubicle, any furniture or any privacy? Our own space or place for sleeping? Many things will be different in space. Besides the basic accommodations like enough water, food and air, there will be private quarters for guests to sleep, read e-mails, and write. There will be ...
... of different technologies in space. Many technologies used on Earth are used in space including computers, plastics, machines, high-performance fabrics and materials, chemical processes, and even agricultural technologies. The newest technology now being used in space is probably nanotechnology, in ...
... be moving fast enough—though they may be moving thousands of miles per hour— to notice this difference in the rate of time passing. Therefore minutes and hours will be the same length for space travelers as they are back on Earth. Space travelers on trips through our solar system would ...
... of time changes depending on our motion is known as time dilation; it's part of the theory of relativity. Albert Einstein, who wrote the theory down in mathematical terms, noticed 100 ... , then time will move at a different rate than on Earth. ---- Answer provided by Luke Keller, Ph.D. Image:K2S logosmall.jpg Question and Answer extracted from the book Kids to Space - by ...
... around the Space Shuttle cabin or inside the ISS when they are in space. It is similar to the feeling we would have on a free fall ride on a roller coaster in an ... we would in space because we are also in a free fall environment. ---- Answer provided by Jim Zebrowski Image:K2S logosmall.jpg Question and Answer extracted from the book Kids to Space - by Lonnie ...
... are used to build the modules will be assembled on Earth. The modules will then be packed into a rocket and flown into space to be inflated. Currently, building from scratch in space is very difficult. We try ... a larger station. It's not that there is no gravity in space. In fact, at 240 miles, at lower Earth orbit where our ISS is, gravity is more than 88 percent of its ...
Sometimes in space our muscles and bones get weak, so we do special exercises, like riding a stationary bike, to help keep our muscles strong. Under Earth's gravity our muscles have to work much harder, but in space the absence of gravity allows them to not work ...

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