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Displaying 1—10 of 1000 matches for query "26._Could_black_holes_give_birth_to_other_universes" retrieved in 0.017 sec with these stats:
- "26" found 31971 times in 12946 documents
- "could" found 13857 times in 4938 documents
- "black" found 2122 times in 837 documents
- "hole" found 1566 times in 555 documents
- "give" found 2680 times in 1424 documents
- "birth" found 1858 times in 724 documents
- "to" found 237454 times in 18716 documents
- "other" found 16119 times in 7546 documents
- "univers" found 9540 times in 3847 documents
... that black holes might spawn other universes Physicist Lee Smolin thinks that our Universe may be very similar to many other universes because if Stephen Hawking is correct, black holes in our Universe can become a very efficient means for giving rise to other universes just like ours. These scientists are offering mathematical possibilities for this to happen ...
... in our Universe and the small-scale features now hinted at by quantum theory. Hollywood has made many movies suggesting that the end part of a black hole is connected to a white hole via a connecting bridge—a worm hole—in space-time. With our current understanding of the laws that govern the Universe, there is ...
... there is nothing that precludes the possibilities of other universes, but they have no way to describe what happens to matter as it goes beyond a black hole's event horizon and effectively disappears from existence ... to better describe our Universe which will also take into account what happens inside a black hole. Maybe someone reading this answer will be the one to build on Einstein's legacy, with new ways to ...
Stars that could form black holes are so far from our solar system that the effect on our solar system would ... in three to five billion years than about any potential black holes forming nearby For a collapsing star to form a black hole, it has to exceed the Sun's mass by at least eight to ten solar ...
... Schwarzchild's radius and becomes a black hole, it effectively leaves our Universe. We can never hope to probe beyond the event horizon because the laws of our Universe no longer apply—space-time ... Book''' Click here
Category:Kids To Space
Category:Kids To Space - BLACK HOLES
... of laws that work to describe what happens to matter in a black hole, we cannot offer any ideas about black holes or even if black holes could exist in other universes. Remember that the existence of black holes follows from Einstein's theory of relativity which describes the known operating conditions in our Universe. Who knows ...
... space where no material could fall in, and in fact it would actually allow matter to escape into space. This is a white hole. Now, if there is a rotating black hole in space, there ... through a white hole. The space connecting the two regions would be a worm hole. This worm hole could drop you off into distant regions within our Universe or perhaps be connected to different universes. Now that ...
... —the tidal forces for small black holes would be too great for any human to survive the trip. Larger black holes would allow for the possibility for humans to survive the trip past the event horizon, but then the unlucky astronaut would disappear from existence and have no way to communicate what ...
... in a black hole, the escape velocity needed for a rocket ship to escape would exceed the speed of light. That cannot happen, according to the known laws of physics in our Universe. The fact that light cannot escape the gravitation well of a black hole ...
... tunnelling to big bang initial singularities. A critical parameter is introduced as a boundary between those primordial black holes that result in a baby universe contributing towards the nth generation and those that fail to produce such a progeny.
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