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Displaying 1—10 of 1000 matches for query "26._Do_Moon_rocks_look_different_than_regular_rocks" retrieved in 0.011 sec with these stats:
- "26" found 31971 times in 12946 documents
- "do" found 16375 times in 2434 documents
- "moon" found 11511 times in 3952 documents
- "rock" found 1740 times in 735 documents
- "look" found 5565 times in 1642 documents
- "differ" found 4944 times in 1855 documents
- "than" found 13605 times in 6119 documents
- "regular" found 523 times in 417 documents
The main difference with Moon rocks is the large number of micro-meteoroid craters they will exhibit on their surfaces. The stuff out in space is not all just mountains of rock, but also ... -craters, and that is something that would not be observed on regular terrestrial rocks. A lesser difference is that the longer a rock remains on the lunar surface, the more the raw sunlight will ...
There are three kinds of galaxies and they all look different. Spiral galaxies, like ours, look like a pinwheel fan or water swirling down a drain. A barred galaxy is similar ... of egg-shaped with no distinct arms. Galaxies differ from each other in two ways—shape and size. Some galaxies are much smaller than ours, while others are much larger. The ...
... solar system, the constellations would not change much but farther away they would begin to look different.
Answer provided by Dirk Terrell, Ph.D.
Image:K2S logosmall.jpg Question and Answer extracted ...
... to balance, and many other physiologic changes occur. Therefore, the effects of alcohol may be different. I would guess that the effects of alcohol in space may be similar to the ...
Mercury looks like our Moon. Venus is always cloud-covered. Mars mostly looks like a red desert. Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune are giant gas planets. Pluto may ...
The Moon is thought to be mostly made up of rocks and debris blown into orbit when a very large planetoid—at least as large ... — smacked into the Earth. Over time this material collected and cooled and created the Moon. Since then it has been hit many, many times, by comets and asteroids, and most of that material will remain on the Moon. Sometimes the impact is big enough to blow pieces back out into space.
Answer provided ...
Yes, Moon rocks currently belong to whoever picks them up. There may be weight limitations on how much ... %20Kids/KidstoSpace.html Click here
Category:Kids To Space
Category:Kids To Space - THE MOON
Spacesuits are white in color and are very bulky. They make the astronauts look like they are twice their normal size. They have hoses and gauges on them. In ... to lug around. After the astronauts wear their suits for a number of hours, they do feel a bit uncomfortable. Restriction of movement is probably the thing that causes the most ...
... programs, the presenters show us where the clouds are. But underneath the clouds, the US looks just like it does on a map, bounded by the oceans. Of course, you cannot ...
... on Earth will occur in space. The presentation of some of the conditions may be different due to the effects of being in space. The organs of the abdomen may shift ... facilities in space, the tools will be simpler and some of the solutions may be different than those employed on Earth.
Answer provided by Col. USAF Dr. Richard S. Williams
Image:K2S ...
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