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Displaying 1—10 of 1000 matches for query "27._Is_there_a_parallel_universe" retrieved in 0.016 sec with these stats:

  • "27" found 32845 times in 13266 documents
  • "is" found 42921 times in 8383 documents
  • "there" found 19718 times in 3479 documents
  • "a" found 169943 times in 18151 documents
  • "parallel" found 300 times in 250 documents
  • "univers" found 9540 times in 3847 documents

... theory there are many dimensions and possibly many parallel universes. If this theory is proven correct, it could revolutionize our understanding of the Universe, just as relativity did 100 years ago. However, that proof is a long ... Click here Category:Kids To Space Category:Kids To Space - GALAXY, SOLAR SYSTEM and UNIVERSE
There is always a flight commander who is in charge overall. But there is also a chief science officer, reporting to the commander, who is in charge of the scientific or engineering missions during a trip. ---- Answer provided by ...
... certainly there will be a limited amount of weight and space that will be allocated to each passenger. Probably the carrier will take care of the essentials necessary for survival, such as a ... video games, books, DVDs, and music CDs and perhaps a couple of religious icons or something spiritually symbolic. While it is still a novelty, you will want to take things that you can ...
... NP) It is always a good idea to eat togethermdash;it provides time to relax and unwind, and to discuss ... plans for the next day. It's also nice to socialize We don't need a dinner table, which would take up valuable space. We just eat from packets in our ...
... Space: A Space Traveler's Guide, is a private spaceflight guide Other books that we recommend before your flight are The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams and Our Universe by Roy Gallant. The only thing you need to learn is how to stay safe on your trip—just like when you board an airplane—and how to have a ... need to know any more than that, although for fun you might want to learn a little more about the spaceship you are on, how it works, and what cool things ...
There are simulators that look like the interior of the ship and simulate the cockpit displays and the view out the windows. We will likely be training in a simulator like that ... one on hand for people to train in. In addition there are desktop computer-based simulators that can also teach you a lot about what your flight will be like. One good ... , the world's first private spacecraft, and give you a sense of what your flight will be like is called Orbiter. It is free online and can be found at ...
... are eating properly. Human liquid waste is stored in bags and also returned to Earth for evaluation. There are no sewage systems; however, no human waste is placed in space from the ISS. On the Space Shuttle stand alone missions, human liquid waste is vented into space ...
There is not much chance of life on Pluto—it's just too cold. Humans could survive, but only by using a lot of energy and insulation to stay warm. ---- Answer provided ...
The safety part will be mandatory but could be done in less than a day. The courses that teach you what to do when you are in space will be longer—anywhere from a day to a week—and will step you through what to expect on launch, in space and on landing. There are longer classes you can ...
... need to go about 17,000 miles per hour to orbit and to maintain a space orbit. There is a range of speeds at which the different satellites travel. Because of the laws of ... travel the higher up in space we are. So if we want to put a satellite in a different orbit, we make sure that it has different speeds and orientation from those ...

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