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Displaying 1—10 of 1000 matches for query "27._What_is_an_escape_velocity" retrieved in 0.011 sec with these stats:
- "27" found 32845 times in 13266 documents
- "what" found 14834 times in 2583 documents
- "is" found 42921 times in 8383 documents
- "an" found 30104 times in 10130 documents
- "escap" found 686 times in 465 documents
- "veloc" found 877 times in 559 documents
Escape velocity is the minimum velocity required to depart the gravitational field of an astronomical body. Imagine a rocket is launched straight up from Earth. As it goes up the booster eventually burns out and ... gravity there is. Consequently, if the rocket is going at great enough velocity at burnout, it will keep slowing down but it will never actually stop and fall back to Earth. That velocity is escape velocity and ...
There is potential energy and kinetic energy. Potential energy is associated with height and kinetic energy is associated with velocity. The other part of the calculation is range-to-touchdown. There is an equation that, when solved ...
An asteroid is an object, too small to be considered a planet that orbits the Sun. Most asteroids can ...
An airlock is a device which allows movement from one kind of environment to another, while maintaining separation ...
An event horizon refers to the point beyond which no light or energy signals can be detected once a star becomes a black hole—it is determined by the original starting ... before it started collapsing at the end of its life cycle. In other words, it is the point around a black hole beyond which no one can determine or witness any ...
... light is the ultimate speed in this Universe—nothing can ever exceed it. That means that once you are in a black hole, the escape velocity needed for a rocket ship to escape would exceed the speed of light. That cannot happen, according to the known laws of physics in our Universe. The fact that light cannot escape ...
... .5 percent will provide an ideal velocity of twice the exhaust velocity, and is typical of launch vehicle stages. 63.2 percent will provide an ideal velocity equal to the exhaust velocity and this is typical of space transfer stages. Forty percent will provide an ideal velocity of about half the exhaust velocity, and this is typical of spacecraft ...
The amount of propellants required to reach escape velocity depends on the type of rocket, the weight of the rocket structure, whether there is staging—that is, separating the booster in two or ...
... one second. Kinetic energy is the energy of motion and is also measured in joules, equal to half the mass multiplied by the velocity squared. For example, one joule is the energy in a ... per second. Mega-joule is a million joules. This LOX/RP1 mixture has a specific energy of 4.5 mega-joules per kilogram, which can achieve an exhaust velocity of about 6,700 ... specific energy of about ten mega-joules per kilogram (2.2 pounds) and can achieve an exhaust velocity of about 14,764 feet per second.
Answer provided by John W. Cole
Image ...
We cannot know what is inside a black hole because once an object goes beyond the event horizon of the black hole, we lose contact with it ...
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