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From The Space Library
Displaying 1—1 of 1 match for query "" retrieved in 0.001 sec with these stats:
- "3" found 42922 times in 14882 documents
- "133" found 298 times in 219 documents
- "147" found 203 times in 187 documents
- "193" found 164 times in 158 documents
Above numbers may include documents not listed due to search options.
... era (late 1970s) for human ears to hear. ref 133
2.5.3. Contemporary “Post-Classical” Space Music
During the 20th ... 2007 ; Space Music “The Cruise of the Vostok,” ''Time'' , Friday, Apr. 21, 1961
note 147 Sandy Schwoebel, “First flutist in space; An interview with ...
Additional database time was 0.057 sec.
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