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From The Space Library
Displaying 1—5 of 5 matches for query "" retrieved in 0.001 sec with these stats:
- "3" found 42922 times in 14882 documents
- "141" found 236 times in 202 documents
- "0" found 2650 times in 1717 documents
- "78" found 1589 times in 626 documents
Above numbers may include documents not listed due to search options.
... a then new and large “three-liter: (0.7 gallon) ''Repulsor''. These men were later ... ; Ley, ''Missiles, Rockets'', pp. 140-141; Jelnina and Rohrwild, p. 41.
note 3 Ley, ''Missiles, Rockets'', p. 142 ... 3; Jelnina and Rohrwild, p. 43; Ley, ''Missiles, Rockets'', pp. 143-145; Willy Ley, “The End of the Rocket Society,” ''Astounding Science Fiction'', Vol. 31, August 1943, pp. 64-78 ...
... and reflective -- philosophical. ref 105
2.3.3. Astrophotography as Space Art
Astrophotographs -- photographs ... York: Doubleday, 1926, p. 220f
note 78 Alfred Noyes, excerpt from “Tycho ... . T.A. 102 '' (1996), The Byrds.
note 141 Apollo Vignette (aka Colin Fries), ...>
note 153 National ...
... $11.6 billion increase in total budget outlays, $0.5 billion was for national defense, " ... 3 million), Planetary Explorers ($8 million), Applications Technology Satellites ($44.2 million), and Earth Resources Survey program ($25.1 million). Aeronautical vehicle technology program, up from $74.9 million to $78 ... SST, weighing 635,000 lbs and having 141%-ft wingspan. General Electric Co. engines would ...
... 120
Käsmann, Ferdinand, Rodenberg/Deister, Windmühlenstr. 20
Keil, Alfred, Leipzig 5, Erich-Ferl- ... -
Lange, Hans-Joachim, stud. ing. Leipzig 0 5, Oststr. 9b
Land, E., ... , stud. phys., Stuttg. -Obertürkheim, Uhlbacherstr. 93
Matuschek, E., Ing., Gronau i. w., ... -
Weirich, Hugo, Dr., Stuttgart W, Silcherstr. 3, II
Weiss, Hans, Augsburg, Rosrenaustr. ...
... H.R. 9382, FY 1972 HUD-space-science appropriations bill that recommended NASA appropriation of $3.298 billion. ''(CR, 7/29/71, H7363-72)''
U.K. Aerospace Minister Frederick Corfield told ... .6-mi) apolune and 107.5-km (66.8-mi) perilune after LoI burn at 78:32 GET (4:06 pm EDT July 29). "This is really profound ... it's fantastic ... :39 GET (4:13 pm EDT Aug. 4) into lunar orbit with 141.3-km (87.8-mi) apolune and 102.0-km (63.4-mi) perilune. Hexagonal, 36-kg (80-1b) satellite ...
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