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Displaying 1—6 of 6 matches for query "" retrieved in 0.001 sec with these stats:

  • "3" found 42922 times in 14882 documents
  • "141" found 236 times in 202 documents
  • "41" found 803 times in 646 documents
  • "109" found 329 times in 244 documents

Above numbers may include documents not listed due to search options.

... 41, 105 - Allotrope Modifikation 89 - Aluminium 41 - American Astronomical Society 45 - American Rocket Society 97 - Ananoff, Alexandre 21, 29, 45, 97 - Anfangsbedingungen zum Dreieckproblem 62, 64 - Anilin 138 - Anis-Manis 3 ... , 100, 141, 142 - Lösungsbenzol 138 - Lösungstemperatur, Kritisehe -- bei O2 + O3 91 - Lohmann, W. 46, 70 - Loxodrome 109 - Luft 42 - ...
... - Aerobee-Rakete 79 - Aluminium 4 - American Rocket Society 45 - Ananoff, A. 3, 41, 98, 130 - Andersen, E. Buch 100 - Anilin 4 - “Anti-G”-Ventil ... - Kühlstoffwahl 7 - Kühlsystem 28, 141 - Kühlung 80, 81, 109, 137 - Kühlung, äußere 109 - Kühlung, innere 112 - Kühlung, kapazitative 109 - Kühlung, regenerative 109 - Kühlwirkung 110 - Kursverbesserungen ...
... and reflective -- philosophical. ref 105 2.3.3. Astrophotography as Space Art Astrophotographs -- ... . Calcutta: Sanskrit Pustak Bhandar, 1985 note 41 Amardeep Singh, “Where women ...> note 109 Robert Horvitz, “Art into Space,” ''Whole ... . T.A. 102 '' (1996), The Byrds. note 141 Apollo Vignette (aka Colin Fries ...
... Pressure (Thrust) Diagram of a Firework Rocket,” pp. 3-5. - (Most likely, Johannes Winkler), “ ... Flight) “Travel Routes,” pp. 107-109. - Gail, sample chapter, pp. 109-110, - Bio sketch, Winkler, ... ), “Introduction to the Spaceflight Problem,” pp.141-142. - “Lecture by Breslau (radio) broadcasts,” ... ” (this one to Jupiter), pp. 40-41. - “Alexander Boris Scherschevsky,” bio. sketch, with ...
... Apollo 13 (AS-508)-carrying three-man crew, LM7 Aquarius and CSM-109 Odyssey-was launched on lunar landing mission, but 56 hrs into ... 1/2 min. Second S-IVB burn, on schedule at 2:41 GET, injected spacecraft on translunar trajectory. CSM separated from S-IVB ... up and Lunar Module LM was jettisoned at 141:30 GET. SNAP27 nuclear generator carrying 3.9 kg (8.6 lbs) of radioactive plutonium ...
... student, 407 Betsy Bacbour, Michigan, USA - 41 Andrenko, Anna, Überlingen/Bodensee, Goldbacherstr. 2 - 40 ... . Ing., Hamburg 26, Schramnsweg 33 a - 109 Billerbeck-Gentz, Friedrich, Berlin-Spandau, Pichelsdorferstr ... . phys., Stuttg. -Obertürkheim, Uhlbacherstr. 93 - 141 Matuschek, E., Ing., Gronau i. w ... 263 Weirich, Hugo, Dr., Stuttgart W, Silcherstr. 3, II - 115 Weiss, Hans, Augsburg, ...

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