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Displaying 1—5 of 5 matches for query "" retrieved in 0.001 sec with these stats:

  • "3" found 42922 times in 14882 documents
  • "145" found 218 times in 202 documents
  • "108" found 333 times in 267 documents
  • "87" found 1149 times in 486 documents

Above numbers may include documents not listed due to search options.

... 13 - Atomenergie als Raketentreibstoff 141, 145 - Auspuffgeschwindigkeit 2, 3, 4, 37, 40, 144 - ... Feuerwandbaustoffe 6 - Filmkühlung 112 - Filme über Weltraumraketen 87 - Filterwirkung der Atmosphäre 13 - Fliehkraft-Uberlastungs ... , 56 - Stemmer, Josef 104 - Sternschnuppen 16 - Sternschnuppenregen 108 - Stoßbeschleunigung 82 - Stoßzahl 28 - Stratosphäre 14 - ...
... interpretive, subjective, and reflective -- philosophical. ref 105 2.3.3. Astrophotography as Space Art Astrophotographs -- photographs of the ... and David Novros all drew geometric designs. ref 108 In 1971, a small figurine, titled ''The Fallen Astronaut ...> note 87 “100 Tanka Poems Selected from 145,000 Entries. Chiaki Mukai presents ...
... Julius, Kapt., Kempen, Villa Arnold - 193 Brügel, W. Dr., Kronberg i. T., Bahnhofstrasse 3 - 108 Bruneder, Alfons, Dr., Neuhaus 124 , Krs. Passau - 126 Büchner, E. Dr., ... 87-89 . - 87 Munchner Volkssternwarte(Heinz Zoch) , München 8, Rosenheimerstr. 145 - 23 Nagel , Manfred, cand. ing., Ludwigsburg, Solitüdestr. 26 - 161 Neubeck, Erich, Koln-Braunsfeld, am Morsdorfer Hof 3 - ...
... near-earth orbit of 128-mi. apogee and 108-mi. perigee. After traveling once around the earth, ... 1,737 mi.; perigee, 1,721 mi.; period, 145.6 min.; and inclination, 32.15°. Titan transtage ... much as 20%, particularly in the mach 1.3 range; under some atmospheric conditions, including such factors ... during calendar year 1965, DOD announced. ''(DOD Release 87-65)'' Maj. Gen. George P. Sampson (USA), ...
... lifting off to dock with orbiting Command Service Module CSM -108, Yankee Clipper, and return safely to earth. November 14-18: Spacecraft ... km) apolune and 62.5-mi (100.6-km) perilune at 87:47 GET. Conrad and Bean transferred to Lunar Module LM ... -mi (16.3-km) perilune. Rendezvous maneuvers occurred as planned and Lunar Module LM docked with Command Service Module CSM at 145:36 GET ...

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