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From The Space Library
Displaying 1—2 of 2 matches for query "" retrieved in 0.001 sec with these stats:
- "3" found 42922 times in 14882 documents
- "145" found 218 times in 202 documents
- "78" found 1589 times in 626 documents
- "203" found 174 times in 163 documents
Above numbers may include documents not listed due to search options.
... . from Baikonur. Satellite entered orbit with 340-km (211.3-mi) apogee, 203-km (126.1-mi) perigee, 88.4-min period, ... Hq. as Deputy Associate Administrator for OART. ''(NASA Release 69-145; Lewis Research Center LeRC Release 69-61; Lewis Research Center LeRC ... of extensive exploration of outer space." ''(Clarity, NYT, 10/23/69, 78)''
Discovery of possible planet, in orbit around NPO-532 pulsar ...
... 136 Pittwater R1 Pymble, Sydney, N. W. S, Australia
Grupp, Karl, Dipl. Ing., München, Alzstr. 6
... Str. 6
Käsmann, Ferdinand, Rodenberg/Deister, Windmühlenstr. 20
Keil, Alfred, Leipzig 5, Erich-Ferl-Str. 121
... Rosenheimerstr. 145
Nagel , Manfred, cand. ing., Ludwigsburg, Solitüdestr. 26
Neubeck, Erich, Koln-Braunsfeld, am Morsdorfer Hof 3
Additional database time was 0.010 sec.
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