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Displaying 1—3 of 3 matches for query "" retrieved in 0.001 sec with these stats:

  • "3" found 42922 times in 14882 documents
  • "149" found 165 times in 152 documents
  • "236" found 110 times in 102 documents
  • "138" found 204 times in 171 documents

Above numbers may include documents not listed due to search options.

... 171 Müller, Adolf, Ing. ;Bad Aibling, . Heubergstr. 19 - 138 Müller, Heinz, Koln-Ehrenfeld. Kornerstr. 87-89 . - ... , Hamburg 19. Osterstr. 2 - 236 Noesselt, Hans Otto , Hamburg-Meiendorf , Meiendorfer Weg 3 - 25 Oberth, Hermann, Profeessor ... Emmendingen - 191 Pirquet, Baron Guido v., Ing. . Wien 149, Hirschstetten(Oesterreich) (Ehrenmitglied) - 132 Pittner, Eugen, Dr., Stuttgart- ...
... (CAPCOM). A veteran of four space flights, Scott has logged over 1,138 hours in space. He served as pilot on STS-75 (1996), STS-82 ... to a higher orbit. The STS-82 mission was completed in 149 orbits covering 3.8 million miles in 9 days, 23 hours, and 37 minutes. ... in 155 orbits of the Earth, traveling 4.1 million miles in 236 hours and 9 minutes. STS-105 Discovery (Aug 10-22, 2001) ...
... Missions to Salyut 5 Gordon R. Hooper 138 - Behind the Viking Scene – 3 David Baker 146 - A Computer Simulated Earth Landing D. M. Jones 149 - 32nd Annual General Meeting 152 - ... Behind the Viking Scene – 5 David Baker 232 - Satellite Digest – 105 Robert D. Christy 236 - Correspondence 237 - '''Volume 19 NOS 7 & 8 ''' '''JULY-''' - Birth of the VfR: ...

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