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Displaying 1—10 of 1000 matches for query "30._Are_there_any_gravity_suits" retrieved in 0.009 sec with these stats:

  • "30" found 33726 times in 13147 documents
  • "are" found 19853 times in 5598 documents
  • "there" found 19718 times in 3479 documents
  • "ani" found 6242 times in 2570 documents
  • "graviti" found 2153 times in 1213 documents
  • "suit" found 1445 times in 684 documents

No, there are no gravity suits. ---- Answer provided by Lonnie Moffitt Image:K2S logosmall.jpg Question and Answer extracted from the ...
There is gravity on Mercury, but it is only about one-third as strong as the gravity on Earth. If you weigh 100 pounds on Earth, you will only weigh 37.7 ...
... illnesses or trauma in space. For spaceflight problems, special prevention, therapy and/or rehabilitation programs are necessary. For example, to prevent motion sickness, a sea-sickness prevention pill could be taken ... going into space. To prevent fainting on return to Earth one could wear a g-suit during re-entry of the spacecraft and during the first day after landing. ---- Answer provided ...
There are no life forms that have been found in any of the samples from the Moon studied so far, and there are unlikely to be any, that we understand as life, given the almost complete ...
... station would be a departure and arrival point to and from other points in space. There are two principle difficulties to be overcome to make this concept feasible. A material that has ... drives also are not within our current technical capabilities, but are not entirely ruled out by our current laws of physics. Who knows what some clever scientist may think of? There are many, many ...
... look up to see the stars to understand where we are. After a while, they become familiar, and you feel like you are looking at a very cool road atlas ---- Answer provided ...
There are some strong indications of the presence of water hidden deep within the soils of Mars and there is even an ocean found beneath the thick exterior crust on one of Jupiter's moons, Europa. Since water is important to help life gain a foothold, scientists are eagerly ...
... Virgin Galactic has already sold many tickets for its first space flights. There is a family from France who is making a reservation and hopes to be the ... his mother and father on the first flight. We hope many other families will follow. There are sure to be some special deals available. ---- Answer provided by Sir Richard Branson & Jim Zebrowski ...
For astronauts and cosmonauts, any illness will disqualify them from spaceflight. Most often, the illness will improve or be resolved ... space travel becomes more routine and people begin to buy tickets to go to space, there will be fewer medical restrictions. ---- Answer provided by Col. USAF Dr. Richard S. Williams Image ...
Yes, there is exposure to radiation in space. Space radiation is different from x-radiation or the ... almost at the speed of light. Space radiation can cause sickness and death if you are exposed to very high levels over a short time and may also cause long term ...

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