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From The Space Library
Displaying 1—10 of 1000 matches for query "31._Will_there_be_a_second_big_bang" retrieved in 0.019 sec with these stats:
- "31" found 20734 times in 8556 documents
- "will" found 24730 times in 5032 documents
- "there" found 19718 times in 3479 documents
- "be" found 50529 times in 10727 documents
- "a" found 169943 times in 18151 documents
- "second" found 6162 times in 3638 documents
- "big" found 2524 times in 729 documents
- "bang" found 237 times in 150 documents
... it had enough mass, and that the big bang might be a cycle. However, the discovery of dark energy seems to have made a collapse impossible. Therefore, there wouldn't be a second big bang.
Answer provided by Jim Zebrowski
Image ...
... JB) There probably will not be a dentist on board in case of emergency, and there can be dental problems in space. On the Soyuz 28 flight in 1978, Yuri Romanenko was reported ... a severe toothache. Fortunately, he got the tooth fixed quickly once he got back to Earth. If there is a dental problem, however, there is equipment on board to put in a temporary filling, cover a broken tooth or pull a tooth if needed. One or two ...
... —a so-called sub-orbital trip—for between $100,000 and $250,000. The trip to the low Earth orbit will probably be much more expensive for a long time. Although there are many people trying to get the price down below a million dollars, it doesn't look ... to build a hotel in low Earth orbit. If they're successful, by 2020 you'll not only be able to fly to space, you'll be able to stay there for a long time ...
... fleet, but it will not be easy. If the specific energy of launch vehicles can be increased, then larger payloads can be carried to orbit. Some of this added capacity could be utilized to add ... launches at sufficiently low prices, then space commerce will surely grow, and fleets of launch vehicles will eventually be required to handle the traffic. This may be many decades away.
Answer provided by John ...
... with human teams until about 2030. Space is big. It can hold as many people as we can find the technology to put there.
Answer provided by Sheryl L. Bishop, Ph.D ...
There are no buildings on the Moon today. There will be resorts and towns on the Moon within the next 50 years.
Answer provided by John ...
... build the space elevator and begin real development of space there will be many, many new developments in space and space technology. We will have great stations, telescopes to see new planets, robots in ... , and of course space sports (super soccer, zero-gravity basketball, and star sailing). It could be very interesting.
Answer provided by Bradley C. Edwards, Ph.D.
Image:K2S logosmall.jpg Question ...
There are no known asteroids that are headed toward Earth anytime soon. One moderate-sized asteroid (about a half-mile across) will come very close to Earth in the year 2029, but its orbit is very well known and it will definitely miss the Earth.
Answer ...
I'm sure before you go you will have a list of everything that will be provided as well as everything you will need to take.
Answer provided by Roger Crouch, Ph.D.
Image:K2S ...
... propellants are limited in the power they can supply. To travel to the planets faster will most likely require using atomic energy from either fission or fusion, or possibly even anti ...
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