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Displaying 1—10 of 1000 matches for query "32._Are_craters_still_being_formed" retrieved in 0.008 sec with these stats:
- "32" found 2193 times in 1165 documents
- "are" found 19853 times in 5598 documents
- "crater" found 1643 times in 847 documents
- "still" found 3778 times in 1549 documents
- "be" found 50529 times in 10727 documents
- "form" found 3027 times in 1866 documents
They should be, as meteors are still hitting the Moon. There is no confirmed record of anyone seeing a meteor impact create a new crater on the Moon, but the seismographs left by the ...
There are no life forms that have been found in any of the samples from the Moon studied so far, and there are unlikely to be any, that we understand as life, given the ...
Hotels for people to stay in space or on planets will not be traditional buildings nor will they be little metal cans or rockets like the spaceships seen on television or movies ... size of the current International Space Station (ISS) module. Several of these modules could be docked together to form a larger living and working space.
Answer provided by Robert T. Bigelow
Image ...
... 32'''
'''Planning the Oasis in Space '''
'''By Richard Kirby and Ed Kiker '''
'''Theory '''
A model is a theory, and it may be ... .
Nicholas Eftimiades has proposed that space cities be formed from existing ones via the training of ... be made, they are still underground, and being outside under the sky and the stars will be psychologically necessary. Open panoramas of the outdoors should also be ...
... means that a crater will be circular even if the impactor doesn't come straight down to the Moon's surface. Only at a really shallow angle will an oblong crater be formed. The force ... will stay right near the crater rim, medium sized pieces may make secondary craters farther out, and lighter material may form lighter-colored rays radiating outwards from the newly formed crater.
Answer provided by Thomas ...
... Earth is being cratered can be measured by analysing the sizes and ages of the craters that are found on certain stable areas of the Earth's land-mass. The effects of erosion can be easily ... 125 My before they can no longer be measured accurately. The number N (D) of craters larger than diameter D follows a relationship of the form N (D) D . The power does not , as often previously thought, have a constant value of -2.0. This power is found to vary continuously as a function of crater diameter, being ...
... , although very slowly. So we could find rocks that are really animals. Be careful—that rock you are sitting on may be alive There are tests to help us tell what is alive, so ... %20Kids/KidstoSpace.html Click here
Category:Kids To Space
Category:Kids To Space - LIFE FORMS
... other planets will be a little smarter than the ones today. They will have very hi-tech programs on board giving them artificial intelligence (AI). The AI robots will still be given instructions ...
... " in anti-matter should perhaps be changed to "opposite" because anti-matter often has the opposite physical characteristics from matter. Matter and anti-matter can both be formed from pure energy, often from ... -protons (-) and anti-electrons (+), also called positrons. Anti-matter exists in space near places that are very hot or very high in energy like exploding stars or black holes. People have ...
... were to fail—and that has not happened to date—then there would still be one system to get you safely home.
Answer provided by Futron Corporation
Image:K2S logosmall ...
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