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Displaying 1—10 of 1000 matches for query "33._Are_there_any_signs_of_life_in_space" retrieved in 0.028 sec with these stats:
- "33" found 1976 times in 1143 documents
- "are" found 19853 times in 5598 documents
- "there" found 19718 times in 3479 documents
- "ani" found 6242 times in 2570 documents
- "sign" found 1900 times in 1398 documents
- "of" found 295477 times in 20552 documents
- "life" found 5509 times in 2670 documents
- "in" found 179430 times in 17737 documents
- "space" found 100917 times in 18940 documents
There are some strong indications of the presence of water hidden deep within the soils of Mars and there is even an ocean found beneath the thick exterior crust on one of Jupiter's moons, Europa. Since water is important to help life gain a foothold, scientists are eagerly planning future missions to explore these regions of space for traces of life.
Answer ...
... life, scientists infer conditions on Mars may have been habitable at some point in Mars' past. The Mars Global Surveyor has taken pictures of features suggesting that there may even be current sources of ...
... can be grouped into three classes of energy: 1. Galactic cosmic radiation (GCR) is composed of very low-density (in terms of the number of particles per cubic area of space), high-energy particles created outside the solar system. 2. Geomagnetically trapped radiation is composed of electrons and protons ...
... from space. Water is created by combining two basic elements found almost anywhere we look, Hydrogen (H), and Oxygen (O). Hydrogen, Helium, and Oxygen are the most plentiful elements that we know of in our Universe, and can be found thinly spread throughout space or concentrated in and on many objects and planetary ...
... breathe in a poisonous gas, carbon dioxide, to live and exhale a helpful gas for animals to use—oxygen. These are chemical processes. So space life will likely use some sort of chemical process to live and reproduce.
Answer provided by Robby Gaines
Image:K2S logosmall.jpg Question and Answer extracted from the book Kids to Space ...
Unless we can find some better kind of rocket engines, it will always take just too long to get to even the nearest ... places are too tricky even for robots, like going right to the Sun.
Answer provided by Derek Webber
Image:K2S logosmall.jpg Question and Answer extracted from the book Kids to Space - by Lonnie Schorer
Image:9781894959421.jpg '''Buy This Book''' Click here
Category:Kids To Space
Category:Kids To Space ...
... of Life in Space
One of the key reasons we go into space is to understand life here on Earth. But to understand life in space ... any new food must be produced in space. Experiments during long-term space missions will determine which plants and animals are most efficient and best suited for our needs. For instance, can soybeans in space ...
... setting foot on the home planet? Will they appear in census statistics of any nation of Earth? Whose law will govern the treatment of their estates? What courts will have jurisdiction over ... there are few activities that compress the learning process as much as space travel, as it confronts every aspect of life and life support in an unyieldingly harsh environment. We have much to learn about life ...
... any signs of plant life in our solar system; however, we are just now embarking on such missions. We have robotic rovers on the surface of Mars trying to uncover the early history of ... of Jupiter's moons, and we believe that underneath its ice-covered surface there is a liquid water ocean that has the promise of conditions suitable for the existence of life ...
... in space. There seems little doubt that the impact of radiation, low gravity, and other non-terrestrial forces will begin to shape us in new ways. Some of those on the space ... Space Program" will need to be both broad enough and deep enough to encompass all sentient life in the universe, including humans, non-humans, post-humans, extraterrestrials and other forms of intelligence, including any ...
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