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Displaying 1—10 of 1000 matches for query "34._Is_it_scary_and_dangerous_in_space" retrieved in 0.031 sec with these stats:

  • "34" found 2066 times in 1150 documents
  • "is" found 42921 times in 8383 documents
  • "it" found 81427 times in 11675 documents
  • "scari" found 44 times in 30 documents
  • "and" found 284904 times in 19361 documents
  • "danger" found 694 times in 550 documents
  • "in" found 179430 times in 17737 documents
  • "space" found 100917 times in 18940 documents

... and well trained is the best way to make things less scary. And astronauts routinely train for contingencies that might come up and cause them problems. This gives them even more self-confidence in ... occur and helps reduce the risk of danger on any space mission. ---- Answer provided by Jim Zebrowski Image:K2S logosmall.jpg Question and Answer extracted from the book Kids to Space - ...
It is all a matter of your attitude. All astronauts look forward to being in space as often as they can even though it may mean spending some time away from their family and friends and missing ... living in space. In their off-hours, the Space Shuttle's lights are darkened to allow astronauts to witness spectacular views of the blue Earth below, where they sometimes get to see meteor falls and ...
It is both warm and cold in space. Temperature is a measure of heat energy. In space there is no air so heat transports by radiation—for example, you feel warmth when you ... Sun is the major source of heat in space. The Earth is also a major source of heat in space, since it reflects sunlight. ---- Answer provided by Robert P. McCoy, Ph.D. Image:K2S logosmall.jpg Question and ...
It is a lot of fun to float in space, and yes, you would float like the astronauts in the movies, but better since you are actually in space ---- Answer provided by Byron Lichtenberg, Ph.D. Image:K2S logosmall.jpg Question and Answer ...
... here on Earth, yet at the same time, the land is brilliantly lit. If you are in a spaceship between planets, the sky is always black, but you can still get sunlight coming in through the windows. ---- Answer provided by Derek Webber & Capt. USN (Ret.) William Readdy Image:K2S logosmall.jpg Question and Answer extracted from the book Kids to Space - by Lonnie ...
... asteroid and other space material movement. Any asteroid that would come close enough to a low Earth orbit (LEO) spacecraft is a very serious danger to everybody on Earth. Asteroids pose no more danger in space than they do here on Earth. ---- Answer provided by Futron Corporation Image:K2S logosmall.jpg Question and Answer extracted ...
... Space - ODORS ODORS Is it possible to smell anything? James Zebrowski - :Category:Kids To Space - RADIATION RADIATION Is space radiation dangerous? Nancy J. Lindsey - :Category:Kids To Space - ULTRAVIOLET RAYS ULTRAVIOLET RAYS How will UV rays affect us in space ...
... live in space so the living places are very simple. It is not hard to live in space with the right equipment and training. Over the next many years we will build larger and higher quality habitats. Someday it will be easier to live in space than on ...
... evolved and will continue to do so, and humans in space are likely to evolve in ways that differ from those who are Earth-based. This chapter examines the underpinnings and extrapolates some expected evolutionary changes. It is ... for our ancestors, and in much the same manners it is likely that our progeny will be dramatically different from us. Many, for example, will live in space stations, some will live in extraterrestrial space settlements, while yet ...
... for the longest stay in space keeps getting longer and longer. To date, the current record is over 800 days, set by Space Station Commander Sergei Krikalev. The more people who fly in space and the longer they ... . Imagine traveling months and months in space, landing on Mars, stepping out of your spaceship and finding that you are too weak to stand Another challenge for long-term space stays is supplies. In low Earth orbit ...

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