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Displaying 1—10 of 1000 matches for query "42._Can_we_go_inside_the_Moon" retrieved in 0.020 sec with these stats:
- "42" found 757 times in 576 documents
- "can" found 11535 times in 3515 documents
- "we" found 51112 times in 4364 documents
- "go" found 15794 times in 2028 documents
- "insid" found 1328 times in 838 documents
- "the" found 506442 times in 20589 documents
- "moon" found 11511 times in 3952 documents
Until we find old lava tubes and caves, the only way we are going to be going inside the Moon is to dig our way in. Because of the lower gravity, lack of water and lack of thermal activity, humans would be able to tunnel into the Moon ...
We probably will be living inside the Moon, at least at first. Since there is no atmosphere or magnetic field on the Moon we'll need to put something in the way of cosmic rays and the solar ... we can start digging downward. Large tunnels could be constructed underground where humans could live and work. In fact this would be the preferred living environment since it would also protect humans from the ...
... 25,000 mph to get to the Moon. To go faster, we would only need more fuel. But when we get closer to the Moon and are ready to orbit it, we will have to use a lot more fuel to slow us down so that we don't crash into the Moon.
Answer ...
... radio to talk to others who are also in spacesuits. Inside the spaceship, we have a manmade atmosphere, and communication is normal because sound can travel in air.
Answer provided by Lonnie Moffitt & Cdr. USN Robert L. Curbeam
Image:K2S logosmall.jpg Question and Answer extracted from the book Kids to Space ...
The Moon is made up of mostly oxygen (O), 45 percent average abundance by mass; silica (Si), ... (S).
Answer provided by Trygve Magelssen
Image:K2S logosmall.jpg Question and Answer extracted from the book Kids to Space - by Lonnie Schorer
Image:9781894959421.jpg '''Buy This ...
... -1, or we could do what's called a trans-lunar injection (TLI) burn to take us directly out to lunar orbit. From EML-1 we can get to anywhere on the Moon's surface at any time. Going to the Moon by way of a LEO station and EML-1 would take about a week—the same length of ... aircraft to travel across the Pacific Ocean—but we could go anywhere on the Moon. Traveling from a LEO orbit to a LLO with a TLI and then down to the Moon's surface would take ...
To go to the Moon the tools we will need rocket ships and space stations (although it can be done without the latter). We will need simple hand-held power tools for use around the base for construction and ... /For%20Kids/KidstoSpace.html Click here
Category:Kids To Space
Category:Kids To Space - THE MOON
... we live on the Moon or on Mars, we will always have to wear some version of our spacesuit. It may look different than it now looks but it will still have to provide the ... must provide us with the proper heating and cooling that our body needs to survive the extremes of heat and cold. It must provide us with the oxygen that we need to breathe and survive. Of course, in space we are in weightlessness—our body weight is zero pounds, and the spacesuit also weighs zero pounds. So the weight of the ...
... zero-gravity. The training may take one to two weeks for an average trip to orbit, or probably three to four weeks for trips that go all the way to the Moon. The Moon has one-sixth of Earth gravity, which will be fun and less awkward than zero-gravity in orbit, but it also has a dust problem. Keeping the inside of lunar homes and offices clean will be very difficult because lunar dust clings to spacesuits and can't be removed by simple brushing ...
Contrary to popular belief, we cannot see the Great Wall of China from space with the unaided eye but we can if we know exactly where to look with an optical aid—a camera and ... let go of the Canadian-built manipulator arm on board the Shuttle One gets an amazing feeling of depth when positioning oneself on the footholds at the edge of the manipulator arm and then looking down the ...
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