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Displaying 1—10 of 1000 matches for query "43._Will_we_feel_claustrophobic" retrieved in 0.005 sec with these stats:

  • "43" found 632 times in 511 documents
  • "will" found 24730 times in 5032 documents
  • "we" found 51112 times in 4364 documents
  • "feel" found 1428 times in 528 documents
  • "claustrophob" found 8 times in 6 documents

Individuals who feel claustrophobic now might be bothered in some areas of our transportation vessels or habitats. However, for ...
... aren't good places to be if you are claustrophobic. But our sleep stations had enough room so that you didn't feel cramped. ---- Answer provided by Dr. Jay C. Buckey, Jr ...
Sometimes you may feel lonely or homesick. Being in space is as far away from your family and friends as it is possible to be. But there will be ways to talk to your families and friends and even to your pet if you want We will have good communication equipment with e-mail, video, voice and maybe even holographic images like ... . Being able to keep in touch with home is very important to keep us from feeling isolated, homesick and lonely. A good team is also critical. ---- Answer provided by Sheryl L ...
... 's exciting to blast off into space. The loudness is outside the vehicle. The crew feels the noise through the structure but they don't wear earplugs. Occupants of the vehicle do not feel heat on launch. ---- Answer provided by Lt. Col. USAF (Ret.) William G. Gregory Image:K2S ...
It is hard to tell, because we are limited by the type of rockets and fuel we use now. Right now, we can travel about 25,000 mph in space. There are a lot of new ideas being studied which may enable us to go faster, but will we ever be able to travel at the speed of light? It is hard to say. There is a lot about getting to that speed that we don't know. We need ...
... where zero-gravity is reached. Regardless of how far you travel from the Earth there will always exist a slight gravitational pull towards it. Let's think about this. Imagine that ... seat will move through the path that your body would naturally want to move. This would cause the seat to stop pushing on your body, which would make it feel like there ... follows that path. Since this is the path that your body would naturally follow, you feel weightless because the airplane is traveling with you, but is not touching or pushing on ...
Possibly. However, the lack of feeling grounded to the Earth will make a lot of people feel unsafe. For some it will be fun, but for others it will be very scary. ---- Answer provided by ...
Shuttle astronauts will feel about 3 g's of pressure on their Shuttle pressure suits, which makes it very ... fuel tank, the main Shuttle engines stop firing, the pressure instantly disappears, and the astronauts feel a very light sensation. They are now in a free fall orbit around Earth and ...
It feels awesome It's a bit like flying—you are simply floating around, using solid ... and free Some people's bodies are a little more sensitive to the feeling of weightlessness and may feel a bit funny or nauseous, but it varies from person to person. ---- Answer ...
If you travel away from home, on Earth, you might feel any of these things. Being in space is no different. But, with all of the ...

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