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Displaying 1—10 of 1000 matches for query "69._Which_country_has_claimed_the_Moon" retrieved in 0.019 sec with these stats:
- "69" found 3167 times in 1188 documents
- "which" found 19488 times in 7728 documents
- "countri" found 3091 times in 1852 documents
- "ha" found 11227 times in 4290 documents
- "claim" found 609 times in 464 documents
- "the" found 506442 times in 20589 documents
- "moon" found 11511 times in 3952 documents
No country is allowed to claim the Moon—it belongs to all mankind under the Outer Space Treaty of 1967.
Answer provided by Thomas Matula, Ph.D. & Kenneth J. Murphy
... /For%20Kids/KidstoSpace.html Click here
Category:Kids To Space
Category:Kids To Space - THE MOON
... led the
U.S. to demonstrate its superior technological capability to the world by deciding to be the first Country to send astronauts to the Moon and back.
By the end of 1972 the US had demonstrated the continued ... legal setting with which the World has had no experience. And, in principle, the varied interests of the Earth's very nearly 200 countries should be accommodated.
Several professional studies address having people on the Moon to make ...
... be played on the Moon just as on Earth. Because the Moon has no atmosphere many sports will be played under large domes or in large underground structures. If sports are played on the lunar ... kinds of new games can be invented on the Moon. Instead of snowboarding, folks on the Moon might have regoboarding which would involve sliding down the regolith on the sides of craters. It is likely that new ...
... to the Moon and on to Mars, the battle lines are drawn between the forces of the old school traditional NASA/aerospace community and those advocating an alternative “Frontier” approach to space. NASA has so far responded to their orders from the president with an expensive and bloated re-working of the old Apollo program, which critics such as controversial Editor ...
As to which country's laws will govern personal conduct, property ownership, and commercialization of space, it all depends upon who has the best laws, lowest taxes, and laws that will make it easy ... space
Answer provided by Christopher Stott
Image:K2S logosmall.jpg Question and Answer extracted from the book Kids to Space - by Lonnie Schorer
Image:9781894959421.jpg '''Buy This ...
... the "Making of…" documentaries surrounding feature films or documentaries. People have a natural curiosity to know how things were made. For the first time the manner in which the live telecasts from the moon ...
... the context of an environment which is far superior to the surface of the Earth for telescopes of any wavelength. In the context of lunar pollution damaging the Earth or other planets, this is highly unlikely. The Moon ...
... beyond the exciting discoveries of various and vast quantities of water on the Moon. Unfortunately, the long, drawn out repositioning of our national space program has brought the space community to loggerheads, leaving the future of the U.S. manned space program in jeopardy. The upheaval caused ...
... a gravity field, like on the Earth or on the Moon. The Moon is in the gravitational sphere of influence of the Earth (which is why it is in orbit), but it has its own gravitational sphere of influence ... Earth's density. Comparing the mass of the Moon with the mass of the Earth shows how much less massive the Moon is. Remember, a ton is 2,000 pounds. Mass of: pounds Moon 162,000,000,000 ...
... zero-gravity. The training may take one to two weeks for an average trip to orbit, or probably three to four weeks for trips that go all the way to the Moon. The Moon has one-sixth of Earth gravity, which will be fun and less awkward than zero-gravity in orbit, but it also has a dust problem. Keeping the inside of ... provided by David Gump & Gary Hudson
Image:K2S logosmall.jpg Question and Answer extracted from the book Kids to Space - by Lonnie Schorer
Image:9781894959421.jpg '''Buy This ...
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