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Displaying 1—10 of 1000 matches for query "94._Will_our_spacecraft_be_monitored" retrieved in 0.011 sec with these stats:
- "94" found 2818 times in 709 documents
- "will" found 24730 times in 5032 documents
- "our" found 13536 times in 3452 documents
- "spacecraft" found 18420 times in 6655 documents
- "be" found 50529 times in 10727 documents
- "monitor" found 2178 times in 1464 documents
... that as long as people are on board the spacecraft will be monitored on the ground. But unmanned spacecraft on deep space missions, say, need not be monitored continuously.
Answer provided by Jon H. Brown
Image:K2S ... /For%20Kids/KidstoSpace.html Click here
Category:Kids To Space
Category:Kids To Space - SPACECRAFT
Yes. Just as airport flight controllers monitor airplanes both at the airport and between airports here on Earth, spacecraft will be monitored by some flight controller somewhere, either on Earth or in space, or both ...
Will they be nice? Will they be comfortable? Will we have our own room with a desk, a viewing cubicle, any furniture or any privacy? Our own space or place for sleeping? Many things will be different in space. Besides the basic accommodations like enough water, food and air, there will be private quarters for guests ...
Well, so far our spacecraft have been pretty tightly packed, more like a van rather than an RV. But the ... -sleeve environment, which is much more comfortable than one in which spacesuits would have to be worn.
Answer provided by Jon H. Brown
Image:K2S logosmall.jpg Question and Answer extracted ...
In micro-gravity there is no weight—everything not bolted to the spacecraft floats In space we measure mass, which is the quantity of material making up a ... just before bed, and after urinating, and then again in the morning, after urinating, there will be a weight loss. Thereafter how much difference in mass a person experiences changes just like ...
... words, people like you. They will be both men and women, span the adult age range, and be of all nationalities, ethnicities and professions. The first to go will be small groups that are defined by the mission needs for specific skills and training. Later groups will be much more ...
... use solid rockets and liquid rockets powered by hydrogen and oxygen. After launch, electric propulsion will likely be used for deep space travel.
Answer provided by Jon H. Brown
Image:K2S logosmall ...
... happen. Lower Earth orbits are very stable, and it takes months to years for a spacecraft in LEO to decay and re-enter.
Answer provided by Futron Corporation
Image:K2S logosmall ...
... mph in space. There are a lot of new ideas being studied which may enable us to go faster, but will we ever be able to travel at the speed of light? It ...
... a black hole Remember, the end life of a star like our Sun, which has less than eight solar masses, will result in the star eventually swelling to its red giant phase ... when it does Mercury, Venus, and possibly Earth will be swallowed up by the expansion of the Sun and all life on Earth will end. The sudden collapse of the Sun from its ... the tenuous outer atmosphere of the Sun intact to form a magnificent planetary nebula that will be left to glow due to the energy provided by the Sun's core which shines ...
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