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Displaying 1—10 of 1000 matches for query "95._How_long_will_an_average_Moon_journey_last" retrieved in 0.010 sec with these stats:

  • "95" found 1808 times in 767 documents
  • "how" found 9066 times in 2689 documents
  • "long" found 6709 times in 3892 documents
  • "will" found 24730 times in 5032 documents
  • "an" found 30104 times in 10130 documents
  • "averag" found 638 times in 488 documents
  • "moon" found 11511 times in 3952 documents
  • "journey" found 963 times in 653 documents
  • "last" found 3836 times in 2308 documents

... on it being about a month in length, ironically. It will take about three to seven days each way, depending on how transportation is arranged, with a two-week stay in between ... %20Kids/KidstoSpace.html Click here Category:Kids To Space Category:Kids To Space - THE MOON
... to find fossils on Mars might take months. So, with that understanding, let's say an average mission might take one-quarter of the length of your trip. ---- Answer provided by Charles ...
... journey depends entirely on your destination To just get into space takes a matter of minutes. To travel to an orbiting ... the weightless environment. This is the main limitation to safe, long-duration human spaceflight—if we aren't using our ... journeys to other planets that we are protected from here on Earth. So until scientists find a way to protect us from these effects, holidays in space will ...
... for ferrying astronauts and equipment to the Space Station and back again. Between an orbiting hotel and the Moon, which is about 236,000 miles from Earth, it would take a matter ... . Between planets distances are much greater—for instance the Earth and Mars are on average about 62 million miles apart. This is a small distance in terms of the scale ...
The Earth will last as a chunk of rock for a very long time. It is already 4,600 million years old. Astronomers who study the Universe tell ... stars like our Sun do not stay the same forever, however. This means that it will not always be so comfortable for us to live here. The Sun could eventually grow ... shall all have to move further out. How would you like to live on Mars? The Earth does have other long term threats, too, such as an eventual asteroid impact, or major volcanic ...
... at a great distance from Earth— on Mars, for example—the spacecraft traffic will be determined by the requirement for supplies—at least until the base could become ... -sufficient by mining materials from the planet's atmosphere and surface (although this is not an option for bases in orbit). In the initial stages it would be months between visits ... destination, such as above the rings of Saturn, there would be a large demand for journeys. An old, dated Mars base may not be as attractive a place to visit ---- Answer provided ...
... question easily because time is part of space. A quick investigation shows that it will last for an incredibly long time, perhaps trillions of years. ---- Answer provided by Jim Zebrowski Image:K2S logosmall.jpg ...
... . The rovers were designed to last for only three months but are currently both approaching 600 working days The rovers cannot function indefinitely. Over time, they will be unable to store enough ... daytime to prevent the temperature of their components from falling too low. Eventually, the cold will cause the rovers' systems to fail. ---- Answer provided by Laura Peckyno & Robert Peckyno Image:K2S ...
The earliest travelers to the Moon will only stay for very short periods, probably days to weeks. If we continue to develop ... some people will be born and live their entire lives on the Moon. Folks from Earth will go to the Moon on business trips, vacations and just move there to live. They will take their ... %20Kids/KidstoSpace.html Click here Category:Kids To Space Category:Kids To Space - THE MOON
From now on, more and more people will be going into Earth orbit and to the Moon. Some will stay for a few weeks while others will stay for over a year. By 2040 ...

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