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Displaying 1—10 of 1000 matches for query "A106._What_tools_will_we_need_on_the_Moon" retrieved in 0.027 sec with these stats:

  • "a106" found 1 time in 1 document
  • "what" found 14834 times in 2583 documents
  • "tool" found 1366 times in 882 documents
  • "will" found 24730 times in 5032 documents
  • "we" found 51112 times in 4364 documents
  • "need" found 6599 times in 2994 documents
  • "on" found 78459 times in 14291 documents
  • "the" found 506442 times in 20589 documents
  • "moon" found 11511 times in 3952 documents

... the Moon the tools we will need rocket ships and space stations (although it can be done without the latter). We will need simple hand-held power tools for use around the base for construction and for fixing robots. Some tool will be needed to clean the carbon dioxide out of the air and replenish the oxygen, at least until we can get greenhouses started. We will need tools to prepare our food and deal with our wastes and clean the water. We will need tools ...
... will be like they were on the frontier—all ages in a single room. The teaching instruments, however, will be much more advanced than chalk and slates. The workplaces will vary depending on ... will probably be a dull desk in a windowless underground room. No wood paneling either, though, as it would be too expensive and too low a priority to ship to the Moon in the ...
When we live on the Moon or on Mars, we will always have to wear some version of our spacesuit. It may look different than it now looks but it will still have to provide the same protection from the ... with the oxygen that we need to breathe and survive. Of course, in space we are in weightlessness—our body weight is zero pounds, and the spacesuit also weighs zero pounds. So the weight of the ...
When the astronauts go back, probably to the poles, it will be to search for water. But it would be neat to someday take a tourist ... today. One half of the Moon is always pointed away from Earth so astronomers might want to put a telescope over there. Wherever we land, remember that a day on the Moon lasts half a month, and then there is a half a month of night. ---- Answer provided by Derek Webber Image:K2S logosmall.jpg Question and Answer extracted from the book ...
... of different things to do on the Moon. There's science to be done, products to be made, and fun to be had. Using the vacuum and raw sunlight we can make amazing new ... to experience the Moon's level of gravity. The moon is rich in resources and energy. Humans will use the Moon to generate clean safe energy for the Earth. Humans will also mine metals and other materials on the Moon that will be ...
The Moon is made up of mostly oxygen (O), 45 percent average abundance by mass; silica (Si), ... (S). ---- Answer provided by Trygve Magelssen Image:K2S logosmall.jpg Question and Answer extracted from the book Kids to Space - by Lonnie Schorer Image:9781894959421.jpg '''Buy This ...
Sports will be played on the Moon just as on Earth. Because the Moon has no atmosphere many sports will be played under large domes or in large underground structures. If sports are played on the lunar surface then we will need to develop spacesuits much lighter and more durable than the current spacesuits. Many sporting events similar to those on Earth will be played on the Moon. However, there will be one big exception. The low gravity on the Moon means individuals will ...
... what we can ...accomplish at the exit ramps.' " Space News; November 7, 2005. ''"On the Moon, we can learn if mankind has what it takes to settle the solar system." '' Paul D. Spudis "''The Once and Future Moon ...
... the beginning it's likely we'll just be making more of them for shipment to the Moon. Once we get established on the Moon, with greenhouses, home cooking will be much more popular. What ...
We probably will be living inside the Moon, at least at first. Since there is no atmosphere or magnetic field on the Moon we'll need to put something in the way of cosmic rays and the solar wind. Regolith works just fine if you have enough of it, so we'll probably bury ...

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