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Displaying 1—10 of 1000 matches for query "ASTP_Soviet_TV_Coverage_Soyuz_Launch" retrieved in 0.007 sec with these stats:
- "astp" found 373 times in 184 documents
- "soviet" found 6705 times in 2861 documents
- "tv" found 3365 times in 1652 documents
- "coverag" found 1581 times in 906 documents
- "soyuz" found 2829 times in 1190 documents
- "launch" found 30905 times in 9663 documents
... html5videoplayer>File:ASTP_soyuz_launch.mp4 Category:Movie Category:Apollo-Soyuz Video
Live TV From the Moon by Dwight Steven-Boniecki
Live TV From Orbit by Dwight Steven-Boniecki
Image ...
... html5videoplayer>File:astp_apollo_launch.mp4 Category:Movie Category:Apollo-Soyuz Video
Live TV From the Moon by Dwight Steven-Boniecki
Live TV From Orbit by Dwight Steven-Boniecki
... html5videoplayer>File:apollo-soyuz_test_project_docking.mp4 Category:Movie Category:Apollo-Soyuz Video
Live TV From the Moon by Dwight Steven-Boniecki
Live TV From Orbit by Dwight Steven-Boniecki ...
... html5videoplayer>File:apollo-soyuz_test_project_handshake.mp4 Category:Movie Category:Apollo-Soyuz Video
Live TV From the Moon by Dwight Steven-Boniecki
Live TV From Orbit by Dwight Steven-Boniecki ...
File:2_Touchdown_soyuz.mp4 Category:Movie Category:Apollo-Soyuz Video
... _Moscow_Press_Conf.mp4 Category:Movie Category:Apollo-Soyuz Video
Live TV From the Moon by Dwight Steven-Boniecki
Live TV From Orbit by Dwight Steven-Boniecki
File:3_Apollo_inflight_conference.mp4 Category:Movie Category:Apollo-Soyuz Video
File:69-07-21_Apollo_11_Tape_8_lift_off_and_LOS.wav.mp4 Category:Audio
Category:Apollo 11 Audio
... , ASTP and the Shuttle categorically receive the recognition they have long deserved. Live TV From Orbit presents the planning and development of the TV systems used on those flights and summarizes the TV coverage during ...
... the ASTP, in the assembly-test building being prepared for flight.
Image:Soyuz-19descentmuseum.jpg 300px
The Soyuz-19 descent vehicle in the Energia museum.
Image:Soyuz19transporter.jpg 300px
Transportation of the Soyuz launch vehicle with the Soyuz-19 spacecraft to the launching area.
Image ...
Additional database time was 0.034 sec.
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