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Displaying 1—10 of 226 matches for query "Alfred_Merrill_Worden" retrieved in 0.000 sec with these stats:

  • "alfr" found 252 times in 192 documents
  • "merril" found 36 times in 26 documents
  • "worden" found 171 times in 97 documents

... :top; title = Alfred Merrill Worden titlestyle = image = Image:Astronaut_worden.jpg 200px imagestyle = caption = Alfred Merrill Worden captionstyle = headerstyle = background: ccf; labelstyle = background: ddf; datastyle = text-align:right; header1 = label1 = data1 = header2 = label2 = Birth Name data2 = Alfred Merrill Worden header3 ...
REDIRECT Alfred Merrill Worden Category:Astronaut-Cosmonaut
File:Alfred_Worden_Apollo_15_VOA_Interviews_1971.wav.mp4 Category:Audio
... OPERATIONS RESEARCH, ARMAMENT, LAUNCHING''' by Merrill, G., H. Goldberg, and R. H. Helmholz ''Princeton (New Jersey), 1956: D. van Nostrand Co., ... pages, $12.50'' The third volume of the "Principles of Guided Missile Design" series (G. Merrill, ed) is divided into three sections in accordance with its title. The operations research part ...
... by Merrill, G., C. W. Besserer, K. A. Ehricke, and B. M. Small (eds) DICTIONARY OF GUIDED ... '''' This dictionary is the fifth volume in the "Principles of Guided Missile Design" series (G. Merrill, ed), and contains definitions and explanations of hundreds of terms, with illustrative support. It is ...
... Infobox bodystyle = float:right; valign:top; title = Alfred J. Zaehringer titlestyle = image = Image:Zaehringer-Alfred.jpg imagestyle = caption = Alfred Zaehringer circa 2003 captionstyle = headerstyle = background: ccf; labelstyle = background: ddf; datastyle = text-align:right; header1 = label1 = data1 = header2 = label2 = Birth Name data2 = Alfred J. Zaehringer header3 = label3 = Birth Date data3 = header4 = label4 = Birth Place data4 = USA label5 = Date ...
... Infobox bodystyle = float:right; valign:top; title = Alfred Africano titlestyle = image = Image:Alfred_africano1936.jpg imagestyle = caption = Alfred Africano circa 1936 captionstyle = headerstyle = background: ccf; labelstyle = background: ddf; datastyle = text-align:right; header1 = label1 = data1 = header2 = label2 = Birth Name data2 = Alfred Africano header3 = label3 = Birth Date data3 = May 29 1908 header4 = label4 = Birth Place data4 = Union ...
With Rhett Turner and Fred Haise Part 1 File:71-08-05-Apollo15-Worden-VOA.wav.mp4 Part 2 File:71-08-05-Apollo15-Worden-VOA-pt2.wav.mp4 Category:Audio Category:Apollo 15 Audio
... which has entered the English lexicon to describe the toughest discipline in human endeavor. Author Alfred Zaehringer has a unique perspective on both the phrase and the discipline. In 1944 he ... preeminent rocket manufacturer, Thiokol . In this book, his first about space in nearly forty years, Alfred Zaehringer uses his lifetime of experience to take the mystery out of the phrase he ...
During World War II Alfred Zaehringer witnessed the awesome power of the Nazi's V-2 rocket as it levelled ... rocket history which has never been reprinted for over 50 years, until now, thanks to Alfred Zaehringer, who over sixty years ( ) later is still actively pushing space flight. This book will ...

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