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Displaying 1—10 of 1000 matches for query "Atlas_C_missile" retrieved in 0.003 sec with these stats:

  • "atla" found 1619 times in 954 documents
  • "c" found 7866 times in 4374 documents
  • "missil" found 5297 times in 2861 documents

... the Flight Model Design Section people. This was run by Caldwell C. Johnson, who had a major part in Mercury programs and ... other projects I worked on was the Navajo missile, which was a Mach Number 3 cruise missile that would cruise long distances, and it ... kind of a structural problem at the nose end of the Atlas booster, and a very intensive analytical structural analysis was undertaken by ...
... Nazzal:''' Today is November 26, 2002. This oral history with David C. Leestma is being conducted for the Johnson Space Center ... launch configurations, the Redstone rocket , and the Mercury configurations, the Atlas Mercury configurations. So there was a lot of aerodynamics to ... who were more used to working on highly secret missile programs, and even some of the components, like the pyrotechnics, ...
... certainly did. It had an excellent record, especially in comparison with the Atlas. '''Bostick:''' Yes. '''Butler:''' Saturns came through all the time. '''Bostick:''' The ... Mercury, they kind of took the attitude, "This is my missile range and I'm in charge and I'll blow ... what we're talking about there, I worked for Jim James C. Fletcher when he was the administrator in the early seventies. ...
... MX-774 prototype missile. Chapters 4 through 12 discuss the Atlas design, its production and test facilities, and development testing to the point of Initial Operational Capability of the Atlas ICBM. Chapters 13 ... deactivation of the Atlas squadrons in 1965 when the Minuteman missile took over the nuclear deterent role from Atlas. The second part of the book relates to the role of Atlas in Americas space ...
... ATLAS: THE STORY OF A MISSILE''' by Chapman, J. L. ''New York, 1960: Harper and Brothers, 190 pages, $4.00'' The history and development of the Atlas ICBM are recounted, with data on the MX774 project, Score, Atlas ...
... datastyle = text-align:right; header1 = label1 = data1 = header2 = label2 = Birth Name data2 = David C. Leestma header3 = label3 = Birth Date data3 = May 6 1949 header4 = label4 = Birth Place ... operated the twelve experiments that constituted the ATLAS-1 (Atmospheric Laboratory for Applications and Science) cargo. ATLAS-1 obtained a vast array of detailed ...
... INTERNATIONAL MISSILE AND SPACECRAFT GUIDE''' by Ordway, F. I., III and R. C. Wakeford ''New York, 1960: McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc., 411 pages, $25.00'' This large format book is divided into two parts, the first treating the "Background to Missile and ... support organizations); and chapters on surface-to-surface missiles; surface-to-air missiles; air-to-surface missiles; air-to-air missiles; rocket airplanes, manned missiles and spacecraft; test missiles, drones and special vehicles; upper atmosphere research ...
File:Project Atlas Report - 1955 US Air Force SM-65 Missiles.mp4 Category:Movie
... World War III every minute. The only period that approached that, though, was the Cuban Missile Crisis, when all of SAC Strategic Air Command went on the highest level of alert ... other than some instrumentation, and those flights, Fitz Fitzhugh L. Fulton Jr. and Tom Thomas C. McMurtry and flight engineers flew those five to the point where they said, “Okay, the ... expected. The surprise was, I expected to see kind of like you see a missile shot, where the missile is zipping out in front of you, looking at the tailpipe. Instead, it ...
... top of that, the management of the program from both the NASA Headquarters Washington, D.C. point of view and the Center point of view was such that Gilruth, who was ... at a Redstone rocket, which is over there—compare the size of those things. An Atlas even, compare that to the Saturn V. So the Huntsville Alabama Marshall Space Flight Center ... these various categories of flights, which I suspect you've read about, Categories A, B, C, D. We said, "These are the objectives we want to accomplish in each one of ...

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