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From The Space Library
Displaying 1—10 of 1000 matches for query "Chris_Kraft_on_Press_Conference_USA_November_29_1969" retrieved in 0.013 sec with these stats:
- "chri" found 578 times in 260 documents
- "kraft" found 579 times in 188 documents
- "on" found 78455 times in 14289 documents
- "press" found 3619 times in 2535 documents
- "confer" found 3491 times in 2252 documents
- "usa" found 1126 times in 822 documents
- "novemb" found 7857 times in 3934 documents
- "29" found 30747 times in 12547 documents
- "1969" found 15091 times in 1695 documents
File:69-11-29-Chris-Kraft-PC-USA.wav.mp4 Category:Audio
Chris Kraft, Flight Director Manned Spacecraft Center, Feb 24 1968
File:68-02-24-Chris-Kraft-PCUSA.mp4 Category:Audio
File:70-07-17-Neil-Armstrong-PCUSA.wav.mp4 Category:Audio
File:66-11-26-Robert-Seamans-PCUSA.mp4 Category:Audio
File:69-03-06-Apollo9-10-11-PC.wav.mp4 (Long Silences Removed) Eugene F. Kranz Christopher C. Kraft , Charles A. Berry Category:Audio
Category:Apollo 9 Audio
File:69-07-20_Apollo_11_Tape_5_Go_No_Go_PC.wav.mp4 Category:Audio
Category:Apollo 11 Audio
File:69-03-06-Apollo9-07-PC.wav.mp4 (Long Silences Removed) Category:Audio
Category:Apollo 9 Audio
File:69-03-06-Apollo9-08-09.wav.mp4 (Long Silences Removed) Stuart A. Roosa , Gerald D. Griffin Category:Audio
Category:Apollo 9 Audio
Press conference featuring Dr George Low , Dale D. Myers , Rocco Petrone , Chris Kraft , Eberhard Rees , James McDivitt , Charles Berry
File:71-08-07-Apollo15-PC.wav.mp4 Category:Audio
Category:Apollo 15 Audio
File:Chris_Kraft_Jun_71_VOA.wav.mp4 Category:Audio
Additional database time was 0.033 sec.
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