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Displaying 1—10 of 1000 matches for query "Douglas_D-558-2" retrieved in 0.007 sec with these stats:

  • "dougla" found 1078 times in 773 documents
  • "d" found 13061 times in 4764 documents
  • "558" found 40 times in 38 documents
  • "2" found 46649 times in 15524 documents

... its precise location and any associations with stars or stellar objects. (Goddard News, Aug 2/78, 2) Aerospace Daily reported that the Senate Appropriations Committee had approved a FY79 $4.359 billion ... and fifth Fleet Satellite Communications (FltSatCom) spacecraft, as recommended earlier by the defense subcommittee. (A/D, Aug 2/78, 138) July 1978 July August 1978 August Aug 1 1978 1 Aug ...
... accompanied the McDonnell Douglas CFES equipment as a crew member on Space Shuttle missions 41-D, 51-D, and 61-B, accumulating 20 days of experience in space and traveling 8.2 million miles ... 1986, Mr. Walker was appointed Special Assistant to the President of McDonnell Douglas Space Systems Company, working in Washington, D.C Mr. Walker has been an industry member of the NASA Microgravity ...
... guys… were eleated over that. "Oh, look, they triggered lightning." They'd been studying trigger lightning… and here’s an actual case. It ... to have them up in the big auditorium, in Building Number 2, the place right next door. Chris Kraft came in and was ... is this question of did we have a Martian meteorite. Doug Douglas P. Blanchard eventually became the Division Chief of the Solar System ...
... ." ''(UPI, NYT, 12/3/63, 47)'' Rep. George P. Miller (D.-Calif.), Chairman of House Committee on Science and Astronautics, reviewed ... of NASA manned orbital laboratory concept. Awarded on basis of Douglas performance of previous three-month study, the six-to-nine- ... -range and medium-range flights. ''(NIT, 12/3/63)'' December 2-4: Fourth NASA Intercenter Conference on Plasma Physics held at ...
... missions." Associate Administrator for Manned Space Flight Dale D. Myers explained. Apollo schedule changes: Apollo 14 would ... 70-149)'' Marshall Space Flight Center MSFC announced McDonnell Douglas Astronautics Co. had received $60 918 000 modification ... , made through Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory. ''(W Star, 9/2/70, A6)'' August 1970 August September 1970 ...
... generation of palindromes complementarity of 4-letter strings Some of these features are related to Douglas Hofstadter's "strange loops," as presented in his discussion of the natural intelligences of G ... Bohm (8). '''References ''' (1) Spencer-Brown, G. Laws of Form. London: Allen & Unwin. 1969 (2) Isaacson, J. D. Autonomic String-Manipulation System, U. S. Patent No. 4,286,330, Aug. 25, ...
... like sulfur dioxide, carbon monoxide, and oxides of nitrogen. '' ( Jet Propulsion Laboratory JPL Release 558)'' European role in future NASA plans was discussed by London Sunday Telegraph: "White House ... rolling in space cooperation, there are still more exciting projects." '' (London Sunday Telegraph, 8/2/70)'' Apollo 11 Astronaut Edwin E. Aldrin , Jr., was named "Swedish American of the ...
... placed in NASA's meeting its 1970 deadline. ''(Wash. Eve. Star, 7/2/64, A8)'' USAF launched Thor-Agena D space booster from WTR with undisclosed satellite payload. ''(HHN-4 s)'' At ... complement two Army-developed communications terminals on East and West Coasts. ''( AIAA Booster, 7/2/64, 2)'' Engineers proposed development of intercontinental ballistic troop trans-port capable of carrying 1,200 troops ... stamp out "brush fire" conflicts, according to engineers Philip Bono and George C. Goldbaum of Douglas Aircraft who spoke at AIAA annual meeting. If funds were committed to project, they considered ...
... design. development, and production of the space shuttle external tank. Invited to bid were McDonnell Douglas Astronautics Co., Boeing Co., Chrysler Corp., and Martin Marietta Corp.'s Aerospace Div. ''(NASA Release ... % in 1971. The increase of graduate students working on R&D projects fell from an annual rate of 8% 1965-1969 to 2% 1969-1971. Science expendi­tures in 1970 totaled $7 ...
... background: ddf; datastyle = text-align:right; header1 = label1 = data1 = header2 = label2 = Birth Name data2 = Douglas G. Hurley header3 = label3 = Birth Date data3 = Oct 21 1966 header4 = label4 = Birth ... 2000, Hurley reported for training in August 2000. Following the completion of 2 years of training and evaluation, he was assigned technical duties in the ...

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