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Displaying 1—10 of 1000 matches for query "Douglas_H._Wheelock" retrieved in 0.002 sec with these stats:

  • "dougla" found 1078 times in 773 documents
  • "h" found 5171 times in 3064 documents
  • "wheelock" found 109 times in 35 documents

... ; title = Douglas H. Wheelock titlestyle = image = Image:Astronaut_wheelock.jpg 200px imagestyle = caption = Douglas H. Wheelock captionstyle = headerstyle = background: ccf; labelstyle = background: ddf; datastyle = text-align:right; header1 = label1 = data1 = header2 = label2 = Birth Name data2 = Douglas H. Wheelock header3 = label3 ...
REDIRECT Douglas H. Wheelock Category:Astronaut-Cosmonaut
REDIRECT Douglas H. Wheelock
... William B. Lenoir and Story Musgrave did the first space walk? '''Ross-Nazzal:''' Yes. Donald H. Peterson and Musgrave. '''Hauck:''' Yes, thank you, Peterson and Musgrave. And they had to wave ... to get them back. NASA wanted to demonstrate the capabilities of the Space Shuttle. McDonnell Douglas Corporation , who had made the solid-rocket motors that had failed, were very interested in ...
... Mercury. We were flying the final missions of Mercury. I don't know when John H. Glenn Jr. 's flight date was, but— '''Butler:''' February '62. '''Woodling:''' '62, okay. Well, we ... a Mercury simulator that was built by the spacecraft contractor, McDonnell Aircraft Corporation, later McDonnell Douglas Corporation , and they had started to convert that one, as well as we may have ...
... been designed. They had flown Alan B. Shepard Jr. and Virgil I. Grissom, and John H. Glenn Jr. had flown. I got here about the time of the fourth flight, Scott ... we could offer up to a Program Manager, saying, “Look, you know, Rockwell or McDonnell Douglas is having trouble, and they don’t want to do it this way, but we ... there was too many inches of zippers that could leak. So the recommendation from McDonnell Douglas was that the crotch zipper, which was supposed to be used when they had to ...
Albert H. Crews Interviewed by Rebecca Wright Satellite Beach, Florida – 6 August 2007 '''Wright:''' Today is August ... Aerospace Corporation proposal, and so we wound up with three main proposals, Grumman’s, McDonnell Douglas’ Corporation , and North American’s Rockwell Corporation . Lockheed Aircraft Corporation was in the running for ...
... datastyle = text-align:right; header1 = label1 = data1 = header2 = label2 = Birth Name data2 = Sandra H. Magnus header3 = label3 = Birth Date data3 = Oct 30 1964 header4 = label4 = Birth Place ... in 1996. Experience From 1986 to 1991, Dr. Magnus worked for McDonnell Douglas Aircraft Company as a stealth engineer, working on internal research and development ...
Charles H. Feltz Interviewed by Summer Chick Bergen Temecula, California – 9 March 1999 '''Bergen:''' Today is March ... I was on, and so I left and came to California. Then I went to Douglas Aircraft Company and tried to get a job, and they weren't hiring. Then I ...
... Infobox bodystyle = float:right; valign:top; title = Douglas G. Hurley titlestyle = image = Image:Astronaut_hurley.jpg 200px imagestyle = caption = Douglas G. Hurley captionstyle = headerstyle = background: ccf; labelstyle = background: ddf; datastyle = text-align:right; header1 = label1 = data1 = header2 = label2 = Birth Name data2 = Douglas G. Hurley header3 = label3 = Birth Date data3 = Oct 21 1966 header4 = label4 = Birth Place data4 ...

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