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Displaying 1—10 of 372 matches for query "ESSA_VII" retrieved in 0.000 sec with these stats:

  • "essa" found 289 times in 124 documents
  • "vii" found 474 times in 268 documents

... PROCEEDINGS OF THE VII INTERNATIONAL ASTRONAUTICAL CONGRESS''' by Various ''Rome, 1956: Stabilmente Fotomeccanico del Ministere Difesa-Aeronautica, 927 pages, $ ...
File:Proud Conquest - Gemini VII & VI - 1966.mp4 Category:Movie
Gemini 7 MET 282.18 Gemini 7 crew interview August 1965 Gemini Titan 7 Commentary flight transcript December 4 1965 Gemini Titan 7 Composite flight transcript Pt 1 December 4 1965 Gemini Titan 7 Composite flight transcript Pt 2 December 4 1965 Gemini Titan 7 Composite flight transcript Pt 3 December 4 1965 Orbital mechanics press conference for Gemini 6 and Gemini ...
... -16.pdf Space News for this day. (1MB PDF) NASA successfully launched Essa VII ''(TOS-E)'' , seventh mete­orological satellite in ESSA's Tiros Operational Satellite ''(TOS)'' system, from WTR by two-stage ... cartwheel configuration, 325-lb cylindrical Essa VII carried two AVCS cameras for global weather coverage. Photos would be stored onboard satellite on magnetic tape until readout by ESSA's Command and Data Acquisition ... in orbit. Essa I was launched Feb. 3, 1966; Essa II, Feb. 28, 1966; Essa Oct. 2, 1966; Essa IV, Jan. 26, 1967; Essa V, April 20, 1967; and Essa VI, Nov. 10, 1967. Essa VII was 17th ...
... .6-min period, and 101.9° inclination. An advanced version of cartwheel configuration, 300-lb Essa VIII carried two Automatic Picture Transmission ''(APT)'' cameras which would photograph earth's cloud cover ... III on had equaled or exceeded designed operation lifetimes. Most recent ESSA satellite launched was Essa VII, launched Nov. 10. ''(NASA Proj Off; ESSA Re­lease ES 68-67; SBD, 12/17/68, 210 ...
... - min period, and 101.8° inclination. An advanced version of cartwheel configuration, 320-1 cylindrical ESSA IX carried flat plate radiometer to measure atmosphere's heat balance and two AVCS cameras ... , Va. Satellite was backup to ensure full coverage after failure of one AVCS camera on ESSA VII (launched Aug. 16, 1968) and would be primary stored-data satellite in TOS system. Spacecraft ... was responsible for procurement, launch, and initial checkout of spacecraft in orbit. ''(NASA Proj Off; ESSA Release ES-69-9)'' U.S.S.R. launched Cosmos CCLXVII from Baikonur Cosmodrome. Orbital ...
... to lunar distances and return through earth's atmosphere at lunar-return velocity. Unmanned Surveyor VII , NASA's first launch in 1968 and last spacecraft in Surveyor series, softlanded on moon ... . Applications satellites launched included Intelsat III F-2 comsat for ComSatCorp and ESSA VII and VIII meteorological satellites for ESSA. Scientific achievements included orbiting of NASA'S OGO V , Aao II, Explorer XXXVI ...
... when satellite passed within 1,500-mi. radius of a ground station. Environmental Survey Satellite ESSA I (Environmental Survey Satellite No. 1) was 11th successful Television Infrared Observation Satellite TIROS ( ... failed: LUNA V , launched May 9, 1965; LUNA VI , launched June 8, 1965; LUNA VII, launched Oct. 4, 1965; and LUNA VIII , launched Dec. 3, 1965. ‘‘(Tass, Pravda, 2/ ...
... 3, Intelsat-III F-4, and Intelsat-III F-5 for ComSat-Corp; ESSA IX meteorological satellite for ESSA; Nimbus III; and Ats V. Biosatellite III provided significant biological data on ... cosmonauts transferred from Soyuz V to Soyuz IV before returning to earth. Manned Soyuz VI , VII, and VIII, launched on three successive days, rendezvoused in orbit and performed experiments including ...
... $32.4 million to $635.6 million. ''(NASA LAR VII/48; AP, NYT, 5/14/68; Sehlstedt, B Sun, 5/14/68)'' ESSA was studying solar flare prediction technique and ground observa ... NASA'S Apollo Telescope Mount flight scheduled for 1971. NASA had transferred $30,000 to ESSA for six-month investigation to enable astronauts to know when and where solar flare would ... first amateurs to construct homemade receiving set, Tuke was able to re­ceive pictures from ESSA and Nimbus satellites for 15 min, from lower Spain to Arctic, on each pass. Interest ...

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