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Displaying 1—10 of 1000 matches for query "ISS_Acronyms" retrieved in 0.001 sec with these stats:

  • "iss" found 3163 times in 1151 documents
  • "acronym" found 49 times in 40 documents

... Acronym''' '''Definition''' - 1P Progress flight - 1S Soyuz flight - AC Assembly Complete - ACU Arm ... Mission Control Center - MDM Multiplexer-Demultiplexer - MELFI Minus Eighty-Degree Laboratory Freezer for ISS - MGBX Microgravity Science Glovebox - MLE Middeck Locker Equivalent - MLM Multipurpose Laboratory Module ...
... Rate Integrating Gyro - ISA Interim Stowage Assembly - ISOL Isolation - ISR Infrared Scanning Radiometer - ISS Inertial Sensor System or Interim Stowage Shelf - ITT International Telephone and Telegraph ... PNLS Panels - PO Power Output - pogo launch vehicle induced oscillations (not an acronym; derived from "pogo stick" analogy) - POLARIS Photochemistry of Ozone Loss ...
... final component of the assembly, the Multi-Purpose Logistics Module (MPLM). During the assembly the ISS was utilized to the extent possible for the conduct of scientific research and technology development, and for the development of enhancements to the ISS capabilities. These activities have resulted in a significant database of lessons learned regarding operations, both ...
... , and Russia will all have at least one on-orbit laboratory as part of the ISS. Each laboratory differs in size. The US laboratory (named Destiny), for example, is 28 feet ... and tools on board so they can work on things. A large portion of the ISS is made up of large solar arrays that generate electricity from the Sun's energy. These are truss-type structures that go from one end of the ISS to the other. ---- Answer provided by Thomas Rogers & Russell Romanella Image:K2S logosmall.jpg Question ...
... Affairs (UNOOSA).

This paper outlines the opportunities available for developing countries in the ISS. It shows the benefits of participation in the project. Such participation also comes with challenges ... existing partners can be worked out and other strategies for developing countries.

The ISS is useful for space education, outreach and awareness. It contributes to scientific research and capacity ...
... ''' - 335-340 '''Year''' - 2011 '''Keywords''' - Dexterous manipulation, eye-hand coordination, microgravity, gravity fields, parabolic flights, ISS '''JBIS Reference Code ''' - 2011.64.335 '''Number of Pages''' - 6 Abstract It has been shown ... these experiments provide initial data about short-term adaptation to 0g. The experiments proposed for ISS draw from these short-term precursor experiments, but will emphasize long-term adaptation of sensorimotor ...
The ISS orbits the Earth at an altitude of some 250 miles. The plane of this orbit ... tilted with respect to the plane of the Earth's equator; doing so allows the ISS to be reached by space transportation vehicles launched from within Russia. ---- Answer provided by Thomas ...
... be well over $100 billion—perhaps as high as $120 billion. Including astronaut surface-ISS transportation costs, the annual operating and maintenance cost is several billions of dollars each year ...
... clean environment to maintain cleanliness. All work performed in the Space Shuttle and on the ISS is conducted by people wearing special clothing to prevent contamination. ---- Answer provided by Russell Romanella ...
media:ISS Commercial Development Program Progress Report 28 Sep 99.pdf ISS Commercial Development Program Progress Report 28 Sep 99 Category:Donald A. Beattie Papers Category:Donald A. Beattie Space Station Papers

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