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Displaying 1—10 of 1000 matches for query "LM_Weight_Status_Case_310" retrieved in 0.002 sec with these stats:
- "lm" found 1076 times in 384 documents
- "weight" found 1489 times in 940 documents
- "status" found 742 times in 577 documents
- "case" found 1634 times in 926 documents
- "310" found 111 times in 103 documents
Media:19790072573_1979072573.pdf LM Weight Status Case 310 1968 (300KB PDF)
Media:19790072826_1979072826.pdf LM Weight Reduction Task Force Case 320 (300KB PDF)
... probe, special relativity, propulsion, telecommunications
'''JBIS Reference Code ''' - 2008.61.310
'''Number of Pages''' - 5
This paper presents a status review of the "FOCAL" space mission studied by this author and ... .
'''To BUY this paper click here '''
Journal of the British Interplanetary Society JBIS is © 1934-2013 http://www.bis-space ...
... a project could ever be undertaken again. Now you can see the intricacies of the LM design and learn details of its manufacture, including some of the major problems that had ... of the structures, components, sub-assemblies and the completed spacecraft, accompanied by supporting descriptions. Virtual LM shows us the Apollo Lunar Module as both an engineering masterpiece and a work of ...
... gasification rate is described. The gasification chamber specific mass as well as the propulsion plant weight-to-thrust ratio are estimated under some assumptions concerning the obturator and compressor. Combustible launch ...
... , Mission Description, Crew Personal Equipment, Propulsion, Electrical Power, Lighting, PLSS, LM Anatomy, Biographies and not least the exciting chapter on LM Derivatives. The what-ifs of the Apollo program.
... important disciplines throughout the life of the project is aerodynamics. This paper will present the status, plans, and initial results of Ares I CLV aerodynamics as the project was preparing for ... Requirements Review. Following a discussion of the specific interactions with other technical panels and a status of the current activities, the plans for aerodynamic support of the Ares I CLV until ...
media:Space Station Status of Efforts to Determine Commercial Potential 30 Jun 99.pdf Space Station Status of Efforts to Determine Commercial Potential 30 Jun 99
Category:Donald A. Beattie Papers
Category:Donald A. Beattie Space Station Papers
media:SSAC Status Summary 7 Nov 88.pdf SSAC Status Summary 7 Nov 88
Category:Donald A. Beattie Papers
Category:Donald A. Beattie Space Station Papers
Media:19790072549_1979072549.pdf Margin Allocation on Extended LM Lunar Missions (400KB PDF)
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