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From The Space Library
Displaying 1—10 of 1000 matches for query "Lee_Scherer_Lunar_Orbiter_Program_Manager" retrieved in 0.008 sec with these stats:
- "lee" found 554 times in 335 documents
- "scherer" found 36 times in 23 documents
- "lunar" found 12612 times in 4514 documents
- "orbit" found 23590 times in 8183 documents
- "program" found 26140 times in 7799 documents
- "manag" found 8660 times in 3962 documents
File:67-01-27_Lee_Scherer.mp4 Category:Audio
File:69-07-02_Owen_Maynard.mp4 Category:Audio
Media:1961-10-31_Manned-Lunar-Landing-Through-Use-of-Lunar-Orbit-Rendezvous_Pt_1_and_2.pdf Manned Lunar Landing Through Use of Lunar Orbit Rendezvous by John Houbolt (31 Oct 1961)
Media:19780070066_1978070066.pdf Manned Lunar Landing Through Use of Lunar Orbit Rendezvous Volume 2 (1MB PDF)
The Saturn V Apollo Lunar Orbital Rendezvous Planning Guide is a reprint of a rare document from the early 1960s in ... -out of the Saturn V moon rocket. It includes illustrations of early iterations of the Lunar Module, maps of the Cape Canaveral launch sites, launch schedules for all of the Apollo ...
Media:1960-02 Army Saturn Moon Program AD0400663.pdf A Lunar Exploration Program Based Upon Saturn-Boosted Systems February 1960
Media:19720067243_1972067243.pdf MIMOSA FINAL REPORT CANDIDATE LUNAR EXPLORATION PROGRAMS Category:Publications
Image:LunarOrbiter.jpg 200px
Lunar Orbiter spacecraft
File:Apollo10690521-773800-785100_Lunar_Orbit.mp4 Category:Audio
Category:Apollo 10 Audio
File:Apollo10690521-785100-791600_Lunar_Orbit.mp4 Category:Audio
Category:Apollo 10 Audio
Additional database time was 0.032 sec.
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