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Displaying 1—10 of 846 matches for query "Linus_Carl_Pauling" retrieved in 0.001 sec with these stats:

  • "linus" found 8 times in 8 documents
  • "carl" found 304 times in 236 documents
  • "paul" found 969 times in 685 documents

... Chapter 21''' '''Space, Ideology and the Soul: A Personal Journey''' '''By Paul J. Werbos ''' '''1. Introduction ''' In Chapter 23, I lay out a basic vision of space ... and nothing. And so—various things. Of course, I read some of the work of Carl Jung, the "other" great founder of psychoanalysis, who talked about synchronicity and the collective unconscious ... to stop hiding in fear — and to walk forward with big strides into the light. ''' Paul J. Werbos About the Author ''' Extracted from the book ''Beyond Earth - The Future of Humans ...
... ; labelstyle = background: ddf; datastyle = text-align:right; header1 = label1 = data1 = header2 = label2 = Birth Name data2 = Carl E. Walz header3 = label3 = Birth Date data3 = Sept 6 1955 header4 = label4 = Birth Place data4 ... 196 days in space as flight engineer (FE-1) on ISS Expedition-Four (2001-2002). Carl also served as the Director for the Advanced Capabilities Division in the Exploration Systems Mission ...
... Infobox bodystyle = float:right; valign:top; title = Carl J. Meade titlestyle = image = Image:Astronaut_meade.jpg 200px imagestyle = caption = Carl J. Meade captionstyle = headerstyle = background: ccf; labelstyle = background: ddf; datastyle = text-align:right; header1 = label1 = data1 = header2 = label2 = Birth Name data2 = Carl J. Meade header3 = label3 = Birth Date data3 = Nov 16 1950 header4 = label4 = Birth Place data4 ...
... rocket sled 50th anniversary''' File:Stapp 50th 12Z-A1 DTV-AEB2MLC.mp4 '''John Paul Stapp Dec 10 2004 rocket sled 50th anniversary''' File:STA 0005MLC.mp4 '''John ... sled 50th anniversary multiple cameras''' File:Launch Stapp, 10 Dec 2004MLC.mp4 '''John Paul Stapp Dec 10 2004 rocket sled 50th anniversary''' File:Head-on Stapp, 10 Dec ...
... ; labelstyle = background: ddf; datastyle = text-align:right; header1 = label1 = data1 = header2 = label2 = Birth Name data2 = Paul S. Lockhart header3 = label3 = Birth Date data3 = Apr 28 1956 header4 = label4 = Birth Place data4 ... Mission Directorate, NASA Headquarters, Washington, D.C. and as Acting Division Director, Constellation Systems Division. Paul Lockhart now currently works in the private sector where he is the Senior Vice President ...
... firing engine with 160kg thrust (c. April 1931).''' Image:Valier april1930.jpg thumb right '''Industrialist Paul Heylandt (left) with Max Valier and Rak 7 rocket car, April 1930. Papa Riedel in the background in white coat.''' Image:1931_Alfons_Pietsch.jpg thumb right '''The 1931 Paul Heylandt rocket car at Tempelhof airfield. Alfons Pietsch at left in car.''' Media:Heylandt Missile ...
... ; labelstyle = background: ddf; datastyle = text-align:right; header1 = label1 = data1 = header2 = label2 = Birth Name data2 = Paul William Richards header3 = label3 = Birth Date data3 = May 20 1964 header4 = label4 = Birth Place data4 ... children. He is married to the former Jean Christianson of Mishawaka, IN and Chicago, IL. Paul's parents are Angela Cordaro Richards and the late James J. Richards. Jean's parents ...
... ; labelstyle = background: ddf; datastyle = text-align:right; header1 = label1 = data1 = header2 = label2 = Birth Name data2 = Paul J. Weitz header3 = label3 = Birth Date data3 = Jul 25 1932 header4 = label4 = Birth Place data4 ... Edwards Air Force Base , California, on April 9, 1983. With the completion of this flight, Paul Weitz logged a total of 793 hours in space. Organizations Fellow, American Astronautical Association. Special ...
... 10 1954 rocket sled tracking''' File:Launch, Stapp 10 Dec 1954MLC.mp4 '''John Paul Stapp Dec 10 1954 rocket sled launch''' File:Head-on, Stapp 10 Dec 1954MLC.mp4 '''John Paul Stapp Dec 10 1954 rocket sled head-on''' ---- :Category:The Michael Lennick Collection :Category:Movie ...
REDIRECT Carl J. Meade Category:Astronaut-Cosmonaut

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