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Displaying 1—10 of 931 matches for query "MSC_Roundup" retrieved in 0.001 sec with these stats:
- "msc" found 1505 times in 861 documents
- "roundup" found 279 times in 223 documents
Space News 1961
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Space News 1964
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Space News 1979
... among most complete and efficient jobs accomplished in air and ground data gathering, MSC Roundup reported. Allen H. Watkins, MSC Manager of Earth Observations Aircraft Program, had said 95% of data acquisition objectives had been achieved in "most complete ground truthing that the aircraft program has ever experienced." ''(MSC Roundup, 5 ...
... re-enter the atmosphere and disintegrate in about 31/2 days. ''(NASA Release 64-70; MSC Roundup, 4/15/64, 1, 3)''
X-15 No. 1 flown by Capt. Joe H. Engle ... ; , Wash. Post, 4/9/64)''
Test of parasail for space craft landings was conducted by MSC officials in Galveston Bay. The test was termed only a partial success. A model Gemini ... to lower the vehicle safely to the water's surface. ''(Houston Post, 4/9/64; MSC Roundup, 4/15/64, 8)''
Soviet scientist Sergei Vernon said at Moscow press conference that the ...
... of Marshall Space Flight Center MSFC and Apollo spacecraft , under direction of MSC. ''(NASA Release 66-32; NASA Proj. Off.; MSC Roundup, 3/4/66, 1-2; Stern, Wash. Post, 2/27/66 ... be repeated again on 202, which is the next flight in the Apollo system.” ''(MCS Roundup, 3/4/66, 1-2)''
NASA Nike-Apache sounding rocket launched from Sonmiani, Pakistan, carried ... /Amer., 2/27/66, 28)''
Astronaut James A. Lovell , Jr., and Astronaut Donald K. Slayton (MSC Assistant Director for Flight Crew Operations) received gold medallions from Gov. Warren P. Knowles in ...
... MSC for further tests. ''( Marshall Space Flight Center MSFC Release 70-246)''
Buddy secondary life support system (BSLSS) to be carried by Apollo 14 astronauts during surface EVA was described by MSC Roundup ... crewmen, BLSS stretched time that emergency oxygen would last from 30 min to 60 min. '' (MSC Roundup, 12/4/70, 1; NASA Release, 12/13/70)''
New York Times editorial said Senate ...
... , 1235-7)''
Dr. Robert R. Gilruth , MSC Director, had been selected to receive 1971 James Watt International Medal from Institution of Mechanical Engineers in London, MSC Roundup announced. Dr. Gilruth had been nominated ... leadership which inspired and. directed the Manned Space Flights and successful landings on the Moon." ''(MSC Roundup, 3/26/71, 1)''
NASA announced appointment of B. Porter Brown, Director of Operations Support ...
... G. Houston (USAF), Eastern Test Range ETR . NASA Exceptional Scientific Achievement Award: James A. Chamberlin , MSC. NASA Public Service Award: John F. Yardley, McDonnell Aircraft Corp.; Bastian Hello, Martin Company Martin ... Network Team, Gemini Spacecraft Launch Team, Gemini program Office at MSC, Gemini program Office at NASA Hq., and Gemini Support Team at MSC. ''(MSC Roundup, 11/25/66, 1, 8; Sheehan, NYT, 11/24 ...
... Group Achievement Award was presented to MSC Extravehicular Mobility Unit Team, MSC Lunar Orbit Experiments Team, Marshall Space Flight Center MSFC and MSC Lunar Roving Vehicle Team, MSC Lunar Traverse Planning Team, NOAA Space ... 's scientific knowledge and our nation's prominence in space." ''(NASA Ann, 10/1/71; MSC Roundup, 10/8/71, 1)''
KSC announced award of $33 157 979 addition to cost-plus ...
... . ''(MSC Roundup, 6/24/64, 1)''
15 NASA astronauts began three days and two nights of jungle survival training in the Panama Canal Zone, under supervision of the USAF Tropic Survival School. ''(MSC Roundup ...
... . The landing rockets were not a definite part of either the Gemini or Apollo programs. ''(MSC Roundup, 12/23/64, 7)''
NASA announced that a 10-month study contract for $191,835 ... Gemini suit passed another phase of its qualification for use in the manned Gemini flights. ''(MSC Roundup, 12/23/64)''
Formation of a National Academy of Engineering under the charter of the ...
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